Most think in order to receive something
from God that God comes down to where we are in order for Him to do a work.
When was the last time you felt the spirit
of the Lord? What was it that you believed that you were doing in order for His presence to be about you?
So many times I feel that people believe
that God passes out miracles to just a choice few and if God choose to be in the midst of certain ones then they may receive
a touch from God.
The deception many have is thinking him
or her self to be greater than others , thinking that God only uses a few hand full of chosen ones but this is far from being
the truth.
When Jesus told us, the works that
I do shall you do also,and greater works than these shall you do. He was telling us we have been granted
power not just a little power but greater power.Read St. John 14:12
The power of God to believe that all things
are possible with them that believes. To believe one is able to take back the ground that has been stolen.
Power given
from God that He has granted each of us that believe to be healed and to not doubt for one minute that it is obtainable.
Knowing that all praises and honor goes
to the Lord and rising up into a place the Lord has prepared for those that do believe.
One of the problems that has been in the
past is after one obtains such signs of power many have forgotten to give the Lord all credit for the blessings of the Lord
and have gotten off into humanism, getting a puffed up spirit and taking glory from the Lord. This is when they will fall
on their face for the Lord will not tolerate one taking the glory from Him.
But there is a spirit of pride that works
in man and unless he stays humble the spirit of pride will take him or her over.
The carnal man must first get over ones
self, as the word says, not to think him self more highly than he ought too. Read Romans 12:3
Invariable this is an issue that has to
be addressed with a believer in order for them to grow in the Lord and not to grow in ones self.
Fact is man has real problems thinking
after God does something great in their life, that they are better than others and have been chosen to be above others, as
the scriptures say, a haughty spirit before a fall.Read Proverbs 16:18
So in order to become powered up in God
one has got to keep the old man in check and to always recognize that what ever
power or glory working of miracles are taking place in the midst of the people, it’s all got to do with God and God
One must come to the place in their walk
with God, if all God has for them to do is follow the Lord into desert then that is all they desire.
Man has been so vain into to thinking that
the working of miracles has something to do with them or how much they pray or have seen and known in God.
We would see the manifestation o f the
Lord in a far great way and could see the working of the Lord if man would get this in his head, that it is not about the
man, but it is about God and that God is the one doing.
Man has wasted a lot of time trying to
gain a following when in fact what needs to be done is to follow the Lord and seek His will.
So in order to rise up, one has got to
drop off their vain spirit and the spirit of being puffed up and rise up into the Lord where He gets all glory and praise.
Yes, I know I seem to be repeating myself
but I will keep doing so until this gets in people heads and does not just go in one ear and out the other.
Talk about stopping up the blessings of
the Lord then start talking about yourself and see where that attitude will take you; it will only take you to a place of
the works of the flesh
How many times have you seen those that
thought their self to be more special than other walk in a room and the spirit they manifest is people better recognize me,
almost as if they believe they are to be lifted up and not lifting up God?
People better get a clue as to what spirit
that is and do away with it.
For there is a deceiving spirit and wants
to deceive many and will if the people do not raise up a standard against such hirelings that come is as sheep but inside
are as wolves.
Man will not get the glory, for God is the glory.
What a wonderful revelation and the sooner
man gets out of the way the sooner we are going to see the manifestation of God in full power.
Praises and honor goes to the Lord.
Sonja ©1/18/07