If all it takes is two agreeing on
Earth as touching any thing it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered
together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. St. Matthew 18: 18 &
When this message gets through to Gods
people my friend we are going to see miraculous moves of God.
I feel that we are getting ready to come
into a time that will be on what we can imagine.
The Kingdom of God message is getting ready
to take off like an out of control fire.
The spirit is ready and the spirit is willing
all it is going to take is the message to get through to the brain of mankind.
Some how this truth has not gotten through
to the mind of man it has been watered down and many have found it hard to believe that we are in for one of the greatest
moves of God ever.
I have been praying that the truth will
get through that the Kingdom of God is right inside Gods people waiting to be
released and this be the case then everything that one have need of is already met and every promise that God has given to
His children is at hand . Read St. Luke 17: 21
We as believers have been down far too
long and we are coming up out with a shout and praising God.
The watering down of the truth is not going
to be accepted any longer and the people of the Lord are marching towards victory in God.
Troubled times have been pushing the children
of God closer to the Lord and is not driving them away but creating within the hearts of men and women all over the World
to draw close to the spirit of the Lord and live in power packed life that God intended all along.
Those that will dare to believe shall see
the manifestation of God come alive in their life.
Families are going to once again attend
meetings that are power packed with the Holy Ghost.
We have heard enough of what all kinds
of things are coming on this land and we have heard enough of gloom and doom, we as the true believers are rising up and proclaiming
the Kingdom of God is at hand and is
in full power ready to spread the good news.
Nothing is impossible with God; all that
we need to do is set our minds on the things of God and not on the things of the World. Most think that the things of the
World are just all about sin but I have a bit if news for you, thinking on all of the bad things that is going on is thinking
on the World.
Why in this world would anyone in their
right mind want to think on, speak on, or even preach on the bad when there is a high level of praise and a higher level to
be on? Why talk so about the enemy, when you have something so great, so powerful, and as wonderful as the Lord?
Can people not see what has happened, is
it not plain to see the deception that has been going on so many have been deceived? By thinking they are preaching the word
when all along all that has been going is they have allowed the enemy to steal the focus off of God. focus has been taken
away from the Lord Jesus Christ and so much time is just plain wasted .
Can you see the path way now; do you hear
what the Lord is saying to you today?
The eyes of Gods’ people are going
to be opened and they are going to see their error and will repent for taking their minds off of God, spending their time
on talking about the devil.
It is time to get our minds back on the
Kingdom of God message and it is time
to sound the trumpet through out the World this truth.
The time is at hand and the people are
coming into this truth then we are going to see the scripture come to pass of the Lord pouring out His spirit out on all flesh
what a wonderful sight that is going to be, Acts 2:17 tells us of the spirit being poured out on all flesh.
Pray this prayer with me, Heavenly Father
I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I repent that I have allowed my mind to be taken off of you. I ask you
to free me from the lies that have put me in bondage. I believe your word I believe that your Kingdom is within me and I want
you to flow through me. Pour your spirit out on all flesh. Use me to reach out to the lost souls that are in need of this
truth, I ask this in Jesus name.