I bow
my weary head as I pour out my soul before the Lord.
I weep
and cry seeking deliverance from my self.
my mind does wonder, asking are you here my Savior?
Only to
feel a tender touch on my head, assuring me, He is near too me.
My eyes
are closed, yet I can see His beautiful face radiant before me.
into His eyes filled with compassion and mercy.
He alone knows my heart, yet He still loves me.
He stands
among us yet we are not aware that He is nigh.
He does
appear to those that seek Him and He makes Himself known.
He is
a loving savior, neither critical nor condemning to His sheep.
Oh, how
He longs to offer salvation to all of mankind.
Yet man
at times goes through life as if He does not exist.
He waits
and watches over those that seek Him and is close by.
He will
appear only when man bows his head as a humble servant.
all He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
But He
is not so high of a King that He is not moved with the infirmities of mankind.
As a soul longs
to be in His presence , only when one bows their head and seek Him can He be found.
Christ our Lord and savior, here to heal help and deliver His people.
© 2007