How do I know Gods will?
This is a question so many are asking about the will of God and how do I know I am in His will.
First thing to confront is the opposition of the will of God and just where working against His will comes from. Your
carnal mind works against the Lord and as the word says, it is an enmity against God. So then what is the carnal mind? It
is desire of the flesh what the fleshly man wants.
Next question, does the carnal mind ever stop? I'd have to say no, for as the Apostle Paul wrote about that he had to
die daily. He was not talking about physically dying here. He was talking about dying out to the old carnal mind. It is something
that is ever presence and does work against the spirit.
The more you allow your carnal mind to feed on the fleshly things the more it can work against the spirit.
It really has everything to do with what you allow your mind to dwell on and more or less feed on.
Next question how to know what the spirit is? If whatever you are thinking on and or wanting you must ask yourself, do
this that I am thinking on, does it edify the spirit or better yet, here is a good one, Does it give you peace?
The next thing is, are you willing to wait and be still for the answer to come. Are you feeling a rush, in a hurry to
make something to happen? If so then it would be for your best interest to slow your roll and not allow compulsiveness to
take you over.
The thing about the carnal mind will cause you to think God needs your help to make something happen, God don't need no
help , He has a plan and it is up to you to be willing to wait and get quite and let Him work things out.
What a lot of people do not know is, God is speaking but they are not listening or refuse to listen.
I have found that I feel, if the Lord never does anything else for me, He has done great things for me by saving me and
showing me His love. By thinking this way I find a true peace within me and as the word tells us, to labor to enter into His
rest. If you are pushing or rushing then that is not the peace that the Lord is speaking about.
Something to help you along the way is, don't expect that there will be no opposition coming from your mind trying to
figure things out, as well as there will be those that if you happen to decide to share with others that you are seeking the
will of the Lord or what you may feel that is going to take place. There will be a testing time that I can tell you, will
more than likely take place but don't be discouraged and just keep on seeking God and waiting on Him.
To realize if God does not do it, then I do not want it, if I do not feel a deep settled peace about something, I best
let it alone, is the best way I can explain it.
God bless
Sonja Arnold