of God, this is not a time to be falling apart or to be coming unglued at the seams due to the things going on in the World
all this is what many of you have been in training for, training to take a strong stand in times such as these.
many of you have become consumed with all the calamities that are happening and are in fact losing sight of the Lord.
are speaking more about the World, than of the power of God. Many being tricked into believing in sending out your little
messages about the ways of the World and the sins of so many.
the truth is the Lord commanded us to tell the World not of the calumniates for they already are aware of that, but to tell
the World of Jesus Christ and greatness and what He has too offer the World today.
If you don’t know what the Lord has to offer, it is salvation, deliverance, to
feed His people in times of famine, and water in the desert.
I really wonder just what many of you are praying today. If you are asking God what He desires for His people or if you have
gotten so wrapped up in the World that you have lost sight of your assignment of the Lord.
in fact you truly believe that we are living in the last days, then why are you not spreading the good news of the Lord Jesus
Christ, that He has paid the price for all that have sinned and His blood will wash lost souls whiter than snow?
2: 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and
your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
of God we have an all-powering God, the God of this universe. There is but one God and He will keep His promises and if the
children of God would get their eyes back on God and His greatness and speak of all the great things that God can do and get
off this kick of the evil of this World then what a great out pouring of the spirit of the Lord would take place.
as believers are to be taking the gospel of the good news to the World.
Get back
to the original plan of God and that plan is salvation, healing and deliverance for whosever will believe shall receive.
God for the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ the one that went to hell and came back with the keys to death, hell
and the grave.
Christ has all power and has given His people His power, now get out there and talk and live like you truly believe what a
great and a mighty God we are serving today.
Sonja 3/31/2009