There is a fad going on called "name it and claim it". You may be thinking what is wrong with this? To pray for things
that are not confirmed by the Lord is foolish to do so. What could be the results of such an accomplishment? Let us start
with Exodus 20:17 the Ten Commandments. One of the commandment is thou shalt not covet .The question may be ask why then does
God allow people to receive things that are not really his will? A bit of wisdom for you is this; God will allow you to find
out on your own by learning the hard way, is the only way for some. Many are going to have it their way and have a non-teachable
spirit they are calling there own shots. Thereby He may allow you to obtain things in order for you to learn what is right
and what is wrong. The word covet means to desire or want something you see that not only is someone else’s property
but it can be to desire something that is not what God has ordained for you. To covet is to envy, and long for. Here is an
example, You see a car and you like it so you decide you want a car. What else is this but to covet? To desire only what the
Lord has for you is the only acceptable way to be. Getting you a wish book and writing the things down you desire is not what
the Lord is telling us here in the Ten Commandments, now is it? Yet we see people doing this and feeling as if this is pleasing
to God. When in all reality it is going against his commandments. Twisting the word around to suite your wants and desires
is wrong. There is a place that you can obtain and that place is a state of mind that you say to the Lord; whatever you want
Lord I shall be satisfied with and praise you for who you are and what you have done for me. Wonderful place to be I can tell
you that. I would not want something that was not mine. Think about it, if it is not suppose to be yours then whose is it?
God knows what we have need of and He will supply all of our needs according to his riches in glory.
Sonja 10/26/04