Jesus was walking on the water and the disciple Peter saw Him, Peter asks Him this question,” Lord if that be you then
bid me to come”. (Note: none of the other disciples took this great step.)
You have
heard many sermons on the doubting disciple that begin to look around him and started to sink down into the water, I am sure.
you ever been in a situation that you ask the Lord, if this be you, and then bid me? If so, can you honesty say that you had
no doubt at all in your heart, even though the Lord gave you instructions?
are few that would even consider climbing out of the boat, let alone start walking on the water as Jesus.
would be the greatest factor here, having the knowledge that it is impossible to walk on water without actually having seen
Jesus doing it first and then to tell you that you can walk on water as well.
are many things that one would not even consider stepping out to do, due to all the natural reasoning.
I am
not telling you to actually go out and try walking on water but what I am saying is this. If something seems impossible to
do and you are trying within your self to achieve, know that you need God and you need to know it is His will for you to be
doing anything.
as we read of the promises that have been given to those that believe it plainly tells us that nothing is impossible with
God. For with God all things are possible.
One of
the promises I am thinking on at this time is when Jesus said, “Greater works will you do”. Here He was referring
to doing greater works than He Him self had already done.
Do you
truly think that Jesus was just talking to be talking? Or do you truly believe that Jesus was telling the children of God,
here is a promise that I am giving you?
meant what He said, and if any of you out there dare to believe this promise then in fact greater works will you do simply
because of His promise given.
So now
I want to address this to each of you, if you have seemly run up against a wall and it appears to be totally impossible to
get over or to go though . I want you to ask this question first, Lord if this be you?
The reason
why I tell you this it is because so many have not even the slightest clue as to what the will of the Lord may be for them.
So many
are just running up against a wall through out their life and never able to get over or get through.
this fact that it was the will of the Lord for Peter to step out of the boat and to go out walking towards Jesus. The word
plainly tells us that, Jesus bid him to come.
So what is this passage of scripture actually teaching? Is it saying climb out of the boat and watch yourself sink? No, it
is teaching that each of God’s children need to know if what you may be attempting to do, if it is the will of the Lord or if anything is to be done at all
regarding matters that you may be facing today. It is a must to be in the will of the Lord.
The most
important lesson in this passage of scripture is this. You may have to step out of a comfort zone take on a challenge that
seems impossible to accomplish, while others are staying back into the boat, safe.
you have to tread on waters that you never dreamed that you could be doing.
you must remember is this. If Jesus said you can, then you can. You must know this, if no one else understands or desires
to go with you, then you never mind what others are or are not doing. You just do the will of the Lord for your life.
and obey God, don’t find your self looking behind you, don’t look away from the one that has given you all power
to do the impossible.
works will be done, by those that believe and keep their eyes on the Lord and stay in His will.
If Jesus
spoke it to you, then don't doubt, step out.
Sonja 11/30/2008