is a passage in the Bible that tells of the prophet of God Elijah and as he was passing by one named Elisha that was plowing
in the field. As Elijah was passing by Elijah took his mantle and just simply cast it upon Elisha.
this taking place Elisha took out after him and he said, “Let me kiss my mother and father and I will follow you”.
Elijah told him to go back; he said,” What have I done to thee, go back”.
he did go back but only for a little while and soon pursued after the Prophet Elijah.
do you suppose Elisha was thinking here he was leaving his work in the field and his parents simply because of one passing
by and casting a mantle upon him?
(Story can be found in the
book of 1 Kings Chapter 19)
It was
obvious that Elijah knew it had nothing to do with him as a person but God definitely did have a plan for Elisha. Elijah was
aware of the anointing that was upon that mantle.
You would
not have thought Elijah would have said to Elisha after casting the mantle upon him,” What have I done to thee, go back”
So those
words had to be spoken, to see if Elisha would fold up right then and there but not this man for he was in pursuit of the
anointing of God.
experiencing the anointing that was upon this mantle he could only press his way through even though he was being tested for
it did not matter to him.
But trials
will come and a testing of your faith is sure to come. Tested by those that you would least expect, yet the test must be.
the mantle was placed upon Elisha the man was never the same, for he was now willing to forsake all and follow the Prophet
of God. He had felt something more powerful than anything in his life and he knew he had to pursue the anointing of God. .
Elisha had a touch of the anointing of God but once God touches you with His anointing you will never be the same.
will ever take the place of the anointing of God or no one will ever take the place of the powerful anointing of God.
is no way of really explaining what the anointing of God feels like, no words can describe. But I can tell you this; I do
know what the anointing of God will do for your life.
I have
been called to do the work of the Lord. I can tell you from my own experience that just one moment of the anointing of God
changes your whole out look on life and all you desire is to be in the presents of the Lord.
I told
you this story to tell you a little about my own story and what the Lord has shown me as of late.
The last
member of my family passed away just this Thanksgiving Day. I being the only one left from my first family now.
has made me more aware of the full responsibility to carry this mantle that has been in my family and on my life for many
years now. This mantle (call of God) has been in my family that dates back to many generations.
It is
most important that I pursue the anointing of God that is upon my life. I feel I must do more now than ever. Not only because
of time being short but because this mantle will be passed down to the next generation, if time does not end before that occasion
Oh, I
am sure there may be those that would say, at your age why don’t you just rest and take life easy. That is not what
God called any of us to do. He said the labors are few and the harvest is ready.
is work to get down before the harvest time is over for then there will be no more chances for those that are lost to be born
I feel
it most important to do what God has predestinated for my life. Not only for the next generation. I feel I must be in pursuit
of the anointing of God and fulfill what God has called me to do.
The mantle
that is to be passed down cannot be a tattered old torn mantle. It is imperative to leave a legacy that will not be a weigh
but a real blessing.
I feel
it is important for each of us to do the very best work for the Lord that we know to do. Our best will be just fine.
My prayer is that the Lord blessing be upon you.
Sonja © 12/1/2008