How many of you know that just a little bit of God will go a long way. The times that He blessed you through the years in
your life you are still receiving from those blessings. Times that when you thought that you were not going to make it and
He came through with a blessing for you. Something that maybe you were in need of came through at the midnight hour. Meetings
you recall that you cannot forget that you attended are still vivid in your mind as well as in your soul. I can recall times
myself of meeting I have attended that is still real today. I recall the times that I use to preach on live radio and when
the light came on the power of God would hit me and the flow of the spirit of the Lord was so real and so great that I still
feel that awesome anointed power of God. Some of you can still recall the first time that you felt the spirit of the Lord
pull at your heart and you became aware that you needed God to save you. You can still feel that wonderful power of the Lord.
The truth is Gods power gets stronger as you walk with Him. There has been times that I recall of how God moved me out of
a situation that I felt hopeless in and I can still feel a praise come up in my heart for how He worked it out in my life.
The thing about God is His blessings just keep going and going and staying alive as the first day you received. How wonderful
it is to have a God of such mighty power and lasting power that never dies. Things come and things go in this life but the
fact is God never leaves and His power and anointing is still alive as it was when Jesus walked on this Earth. He never changes
and His word is just as strong as it ever was He has not lost control nor will He ever. Many people are filled with fear as
to what the end may be and what may become of them in this life. Fear has torment and it is not of God. But the truth is God
is God and no one will ever be able to compare to His almighty power. His love is lasting and His blessings are forever. People
this message is to inform you that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. How wonderful it is to know that what ever
we may have need of and no matter how impossible things may appear nothing is to great for God for He is well able. His blessing
is forever and they do not vanish as many things in this life do. This World needs to wake up to the fact that God is all
power and all mighty God and His power just keeps going and getting stronger and by no means is God ever weak or defeated.
We as human’s beings would not be able to stand all of His presents at one time. What a mighty God we serve. God
is God.
Sonja 7/6/2005