(For the love of God)
By Sonja Arnold
What Jesus Christ is about
Upon reading the many stories of the work of Jesus Christ, are you truly getting the whole picture? Do you actually know
what He was all about?
The question has to be asked before going into the history of Jesus ministry. What is your mission? What do you feel that
will be accomplished by the works for the Lord? What are you actually trying to convey to the world?
Only you can answer these questions for yourself.
Some may say, I am here to get the people straight, My reason is to tell people how wrong they may be , such as telling
them what sin is or is not. Some may say, to warn the person before it is too late. Some may say, the people needs corrected.
Some may say I am telling the world how God hates them. As sad as that may be there are actually people that act as if they
are the judge and by portraying God as one that hates is so very wrong.
You might be thinking well, isn't that what we are supposed to be doing is telling the people how wrong they are? If
you truly believe that, then it has to be said, you have missed the whole picture of what Jesus Christ was all about.
By so Many portraying God as one that is out to condemn truly needs to go back and read what the word says about condemning.
For God sent not His Son into the world not to condemn the world, what part of that do people not actually understand?
There has been a great deception that is raging like a wild fire and the people that have gotten caught up in such are doing
so much harm to Gods little ones.
By saying God little ones, just whom do you think He was referring to? Was it just a few; was it a select few or what?
Could it be that such misunderstanding is that people are separating whom they believe He was referring to? When in fact He
simply was telling all that offending was by no means acceptable. He made it clear what would be better for one to do than
to offend. So why are people offending others? Who do we think we are?
I can tell you God says, He so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, to save the world. Just what part of
that is confusing?
Have people become so caught up with their self that they are justifying their actions and feel it is their right to go
about offending anyone? What is wrong here? By offending it is the exact opposite of what God is all about. Can you not see
The fact is Jesus Christ went where ever there were those hurting, rejected, and sick and cast out. He made it very clear
what His ministry was all about. He was giving hope by speaking hope, He was healing by healing, He was not condemning but
by showing such compassion that the hurt dying people were healed and delivered.
So what is lacking here in order to have the ministry liken unto the Lord? It is very clear, there is a tremendous lack
of knowing what Jesus Christ was about and was sent here to do, and there is a lack of having compassion for all His creation.
There is a lack of having the true love of God working.
When you hear and see people going around slamming down people and ridiculing others with such a self righteous spirit
as if they think they are so much better than anyone, this is not the working for the Lord.
You probably read the story of when Jesus went to the temple and found what was going on inside the house of His Father,
This was the one time that He actually showed such anger toward those that were selling and had turned the house of into corruption.
Many today are giving the impression that Jesus Christ is furiously mad at all of the world, and are going about spreading
hate towards Gods creation.
I will say this that Jesus Christ has every right to be mad if He is, we really have no right to be speaking about what
He may or may not be feeling, after all He is the King of Kings.
Just what have the people turned God house into today? Is it all about the Love of God? Is it having compassion? I really
do wonder here just who people think they are and have set their self up as some sort of boss over all God's work.
Here is something to digest; he that is without sin cast the first stone. Chew on that awhile and you will soon see that
if God be for you then who can be against you?
Judging people by their outward appearance, what do you think the Lord chose John the Baptist to be His forerunner was
about? It truly was not about his outward appearance now was it? Oh, but John had the message of the Messiah, did he not.
So you see people that judge others by the appearance have missed the whole picture of what Christ was trying to teach the
If there is any good in any of us it is the Lords goodness and not self. So those that turn their nose up against others,
I must ask just what spirit is that all about?
I have seen and heard enough of the spirit that hurts or offends His little ones.
I have decided to walk and follow the Lord Jesus Christ ministry. My life here is to spread the good news and by no means
to cast stone at His creation. He loves His creation; if I hurt them, I am hurting Him. Sad but true.
Get back on the foundation of God and get off this band wagon of condemning, get off this kick of acting as if anyone
is better than, for we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Sonja Arnold