What if this was the last day for time to be, as we have known it to be? What if this was the last chance for the lost to
turn to Christ asking Him to save their soul? Have we as believers done all that we could do? Have we gone the extra mile
in order to get the message out to them that they need to be saved? I wonder just how many times we as believers refused to
be a witness for the reason that maybe they did not want to hear what needed to be said abut salvation. It will not matter
what we say or think when the time has ended. No excuse will matter when all have to stand before the lord and give an account
for all they did on this earth. The harvest is ripe and the workers are few are you one of those that could do more and reach
more souls before it is to late? Have we as believers thought no one wants to hear about salvation or wants to be saved? It
is not up to you or I to wonder if they want to hear the good news about Jesus. It is up to us to spread the word that all
need to be born again. The need to ask for forgiveness of ones sins. It is time to stop thinking about us and get out into
the fields and go to work. Working as we have never worked before to get the message out to the lost and the dying. Time is
at hand and we are going to have to get busy working for the Lord. Get our minds off of ourselves and get to work for the
Lord. Souls are right close to you and I that need to be saved we do not have the time to wait. Waiting is over it is time
to go to work out there where the lost are. Get busy for we shall be held accountable for not trying to reach all that we
can. Salvation is needed for the lost and their souls are in the balances and are found wanting. The bible says to ask for
salvation and to confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Now is that so hard to ask or to do? Seek Him while He can be
found don’t wait until it is too late.
Sonja 8/7/2005