Prophecy and the word of the Lord do not need our help in making it to come to pass. God is well able to make it so all
on his own. When the Lord has spoken something it’s not ones place to try and make it happen. I have seen people try
and make something happen that God has spoken and I have seen some try and take it a part piece by piece. Either way is a
form of non-faith. If you do not understand what the Lord is speaking it would be at your best interest to leave it a lone.
Let God work things out in his time. Some have tried to read something in the spoken word by wanting things their way .Why
would one want something that was not the will of the Lord? Truth is they are still walking in the desires of the flesh and
are satisfying the desires of the flesh. If you do not know the word or his will for your life do not go running after someone
that will prophesy it to you. Work out your own salvation know for your self. How does one know the will of the Lord for their
life? The very best way I have found is there is a peace that comes with the will of God. If something becomes such a struggle
that each day you are working so hard to make it so this is not what God is about. Like I said before God does not need your
help to make it so. Do not read something in his word that is not there. Prophecy has been so misused in the church many have
run after it more than the Lord has himself. Let me give you a few examples on the ways you get in the way of the Lord. Lets
say the Lord spoke something to you about finances that He was going to make a way for you. You take it upon yourself to go
running to the bank asking if you can get a loan the banker tells you" not today". You take it that what was spoken to you
was not him by you taking it on yourself to make it so. The word has been spoken He is going to heal something about your
body, you take it upon yourself to run to the doctor to have some test taken and the results are not what was spoken to you.
Here is what went wrong when God speaks something to you about anything it is not up to you to see if it is so. Your act is
a non-faith action. Now not only do you have a problem with the need you have you have added non-faith into the picture. One
has to ask this question is it true or is it you? My friend get out of the way and let God do his work He does not need your
Sonja 8/9/04