Is there anybody out there that will come into agreement with me? agreement with me that the Bible is the true word of the
Lord. Come into agreement that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.
The word tell us that if any two agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of
my Father which is in heaven. St. Matthew 18: 19
Come into agreement with me that the word tells us, after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you shall receive power. Acts
1: 8
We have been given great power from the Lord and we need to get to the place that we are not moved with the things of
this World but to only be moved by the spirit of the Lord.
No longer being lead by the doubt, the unbelief, and the down times but to stand up and be accounted for the Lord Jesus
Jesus Christ has over come death, hell and the grave. Jesus Christ has the keys of hell and of death. Rev. 1:8 so if he
has the keys then why in this World are we worried about any enemy? Nothing has power over the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.Jesus
went to hell for you and I and he came back with the keys, praise the Lord.
The battle has been won, so why are so many still trying to fight a battle that has been won?
Does it not make you wonder what are people really trying to prove when they say they are coming up against the enemy?
My friends Jesus Christ came up against him and he defeated him, praise the Lord.
So now if troubles come I want to say, these are not going to have a part of my life for I am coming into agreement with
the word of the Lord. Be as Paul said, Romans 8:37- 39 we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.38 for I am persuaded,
that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor things presents, nor things to come. 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other
creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. How must more positive can
one become about the power given by our Lord?
I know it is a fact that the army of God cannot be everywhere and on top of everything but I do know that if we would
start praying with the power that had been given to us by Jesus Christ our Lord we could see a change in the way things have
been going in this World.
You and I can change the way things are, simply by believing in the power of the Lord.
We can plead the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ over our loved ones, our home, the work that the Lord has for us to do,
the condition of this world and start believing for the out pour of the Holy Ghost.
If just two would just simply start believing together we would see a wonderful power packed ministry come forth that
could turn the world upside down. Wow, this has power in the words for this is the way the Lord would have us to start thinking
and believing.
Come on and join the power pack believers that are reaching out for Christ, come on over of the winning side with Jesus.
Count your blessings, not by counting the amount of dollars you have in your pocket or the amount if people that know
your name, count your blessings by knowing the Lord Jesus Christ and the power and the love you have within your soul.
We are powered up with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ so, let's act like it, let's walk like it, let's talk like it,
let's believe like it.
Praise the Lord. Sonja 5/11/2007