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You may have found yourself in a dry old place, a place that appears dead.
You may feel as if your life is done and there is no place for your ministry or for you.
But let me tell you what to do when you feel like all is dead or you feel you are on a dead end street, nothing is going on and you see no hope.
Let's go to the place in the Bible in the Old Testament, Ezekiel 37 chapter, tells you this power God has given to the Prophets. Let's take a look at the valley of dry bones. What did the Lord say to the Prophet, he asks if the bones could live, he told the Prophet to prophesy to the bones.
When the Prophet of God believed what the Lord told him to do, he began to prophesy to the great valley of dry old dead bones. What made those bones come alive was the power of the spoken word of the God.
So now let's take this to the limits for you and I today, let's hear what the Lord has been trying to get across to the children of God all of this time and lets prophesy to our self.
Prophesy to the dead and the dry to come forth and come alive.
If the children of God would just realize what the Lord has given us we would not be in bondage, would not be dry, would not be weighted down by the cares of this life.
Your bank account may be dead and in the red, your marriage may be dying and you are crying, your kids may be rebelling and yelling, But it does not matter what it looks like, does not matter how you feel, This is what matters I prophesy for theses things to come alive and tell the world you are here and the things that appeared dead shall be revived. Praise the Lord God!!! People, come up out of that dead old stale place that you have been in for oh so long and come ye forth out of the valley.
I myself am coming up out of this valley and I refuse to conform to the things of this World and I refuse to listen to all of the negative junk that is in the air for what is in the air is not what God has written down in his written word
I have got to tell you that I have felt that I have been on the brink of a major brake through in this work the Lord has assigned me too and I felt that this is the day that the Lord is having me to proclaim the victory. Not only I myself but all those that dare to believe with me this day, you shall see the power of God come alive in your life as well.
Proclaim the victory of the Lord, come alive, and come forth.
You may be looking around you right now and asking yourself can the word of the Lord come to me in this fashion, can I receive the power of the spoken word through this web site and the answer is yes, you can and you will if you just believe you shall receive.
I need not say one thing more in this message, for I feel that those that read this and receive it shall see the power of God to move in their behalf.

Praise the Lord.

Sonja 5/13/2007

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