As I journeyed down a road that I said,”
I would never care to travel again”. A still voice begins to speak to me, the same voice that have spoken to me since
the days of my youth. I was going back into time not to regain the things of times past but to regain something deep within
my soul.
I glanced at the mirror on the side of
the automobile. Staring at the reflection of myself. Years had left it mark on my face there was no doubt of this, yet the
glean was still in my eyes. I was in two moods, one was filled with excitement and the other was a deep-seated doubt that
I was doing the right thing.
The voice spoke to me, “look at you”,
I stared even longer as to what I was to be seeing. All that I noticed was my hair was in place and the black leather jacket
I was wearing that meant so much to me at the time.
I begin to feel sadness in my heart of
the things that had taken place in my life. All I could feel was hurt and a loneliness that I could not shake.
Tears begin to fill my eyes, as it seemed
we were flying down the road to hurry up and take me back, back to where I did not want to go. Little did I know what was
in store for me but I knew in my heart this has to be done before I can get on with my life, for my life had seem to come
to a stand still.
I could not hold back the tears they seem
to fall as if there was no end. God knew why the tears were falling.
The voice spoke to me again, look at you,
“and you thought you weren’t going to make it ”. As these words were being spoken, I was feeling that my
Heavenly Father was proud of my obedience to Him. “I know it has been hard for you but you made it, you passed the test,
now you will see the things that I had promised years ago”.
At first when I knew I was going to have
to go back, I begin to battle with this night and day the battle went on for sometime as I was telling the Lord of the reasons
I could not go back surly He understood why and the way I felt about this. He allowed me to ramble on about this for sometime,
until He spoke these words to me,” This is not about you, but it is about me”.
Well this shed a whole new light on the
matter. Then I knew this was something the Lord was truly doing because of Him and the work He had ordained to be done. I
knew that the work He had ordained to be done was going to happen and it did not matter for He had a plan and it was going
to happen His way.
Since this time the Lord has truly blessed
all those involved. Truly those that step into this blessed place of the Lord can feel His wonderful power and His grace.
We have only just begun in this wonderful out pouring of His blessings and His spirit. We are on the verge of a great out
pouring of God’s divine love and saving grace to all those that enter in.
Some of the things that I recall that were
spoken was this work was going to become like a filling station, where people would come in and be able to hear a word from
the Lord and would go back out again to do a work for the Lord. I also recall of a word that was spoken that this small community
was going to be put on the map. The Lord has shown visions to some of the things to come to pass as far as this work. He spoke
that there were going to be so many people that would come in there would be no place to park a car. He spoke of great things
that would take place as to those that would be healed, saved and delivered. These things have yet to happen but as sure as
He spoke them they shall come to pass.
Many things have tried to hinder this great
move of God. Many people have thought to take over the work of the Lord but this is not about them, it is about Him.
When it comes to God’s perfect plan
it will be done in His way and in His time. Nothing can stop the work of the Lord all that God has been doing is getting the
peoples hearts ready for His will for their life.
I am only one vessel in this move of God
there are many parts that make a whole in the work of the Lord and this is just my personal testimony of how God sent me back
to where I said I would never go back to and I can tell you this I am so thankful that the Lord did not give up on me. I am
thankful to just be a part of the move of God that is taking place in this day.
I have many battle scars but since I have
said yes Lord, nothing can be compared to being in His perfect will.
I feel that soon you will be reading of
reports about the wonderful things that God is doing in this little village.
I started out to just tell of my testimony
about how God can turn you around and head you in His direction but I find that each time I start to talk of this or even
think on this He always brings out of the mighty work that has been promised to be done there in that community. After all
as He said, “this is not about you, but about me”.
Sonja 8/10/2006