I am going to get right to the point in this message. A question for you, do you ever
think of anyone else beside yourself?
When you are setting inside a nice cool house and feeling the breeze hit your face do
you ever think of those that do not have air let alone a fan to cool them off with?
Don't try and say it
is not up to you to take on the people who have less than you.
For to be able to take your fill in life without
ever taking a thought for those that have no means, is selfish.
It is sad to think that some older person died from the heat and had no one to turn to or no one to check on them.
have we come to in this great land of plenty? People are suffering all over the world and there is a large amount of people
that could help these less fortunate folks.
do you ever think of how you may be of help? Makes me wonder what we are really going to do when times start getting real
tough in this country.
think it is sad when we see more food wasted in a dumpster than many have in a year to eat.
as believers better get back to the Bible and the way it teaches us what we are to do. It is a lame excuse to say you are
not your brother's keeper.
Many will stand before the Lord with all the great achievements in
life and the Lord ask what did you do to help your brother or your sister I think from what the word says many may find their
self outside looking in.
There is no reason for someone to die in this country due to the
fact they did not have someone to care enough to help out.
A small air conditioner is only one hundred dollars. Many of you waste that much a day on nothing to speak
Knowing that there are children going hungry in this country makes
me feel sick inside. Many throw out more food than what they have to eat.
All I have to say is shame on us for laying our selves down at night
falling asleep. Not taking anyone in thought but ones self.
There are many missions people that have given their lives toward
helping the down and out folks. You could contact a group that focuses on reaching out to help those in need. They will put
your money to good use.
Those that you can trust have a record of all the monies that go
through their facilities. So you can check out what the true ones are and know the false you can check it out for yourself.
The word tells us a place where Jesus was speaking about I was hungry
and you fed me not. It goes on to say as much as you have done to one of these little ones you have done to me.
Do not be mislead to thinking that the government is able to take care of all those that are unable to buy food
and have air in the summer and heat in the winter
They can only do so much. The church needs to wake up and get out there where the real needs are.
Get out of the comfort zone and go to work for the Lord.
Sonja 8/27/2005