We have
heard a lot of talk about the economy and how to guard your self against the pit falls.
We have
been told that a cut back is vital in order to be secured, on and on the news keeps pumping out information out to the American
public. People are told all about how to guard and the people are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
country has just gotten over the election, with many different points a view as to what is going to happen to this country
now. By the way I have seen a lot of flesh coming from the church as to voicing their opinions on this matter.
if fact do people really believe that God is not still in control of the things going on, or are the people turning to man
for their answers?
The church
has gotten caught up with the entire hurrah and has been talking more on the economy and the election along with all the troubles
that is going on in the world today.
I am
writing this message to warn those that are so caught up with the World and the problems that are taking place at this time.
is a falling away of the sincere hearts, a falling away of desire to be lead by the spirit and more and more, less focusing
on what the Lord told us to be doing.
If the
children of God do not guard their souls at this time they will find their selves outside looking in.
The enemy
has tricked many of the people into watching what all is going on with the World. Many are falling for this. The truth is,
what has been taking place is a falling away from the Lord, by getting caught up with the ways of the World.
We as
believers are to be a city set of a hill, high above the cares of the World. Believers are to be lifting up the Lord more
now than ever. Knowing that He has promised those that serve Him, He will be provided for.
In the
city of the Lord there will be no shortages, no lack, there is no want. The Lord will instruct His people, He will tell them
and by obeying the Lord, He will take care of His children. God does not abandon His children that trust in Him.
Yet here
we have so many that deem it to be the will of the Lord to be watching the World.
The children
of God need not look to any source the World has to bail them out .Many have been turning to different ways almost as believing
in the government as a Santa Clause.
don’t be fooled into believing you are being spiritual by fallowing what is going on with the World.
Those of you that have found your self in the valley where there is nothing but sorrow and famine are to lift their eyes unto
the hills from where strength comes from.
After all if you were where you need to be, you would already be on the hill and not having to look up to the hills.
of God, guard your soul and do not get caught up with the ways of the World.
God bless you,
Sonja © 12/1/2008