favor, what does it mean to have His favor on your life?
believe that serving the Lord is a hardship, laboring to get good enough to acquire His favor.
that God will only grant His favor on certain ones if they meet up to all the expectation of the many rules and then perhaps
you just might find His favor.
have God’s favor on your life it is not something you can earn. It is not expected out of you to earn His favor. God’s
favor is His gift to His people that seek Him.
misunderstand the favor of God, it does not mean you will get everything you want in life as far as martial goods. The favor
of God is actually being in His presence and Him watching over your life.
favor protects you in a World of trouble; His favor will take care of you as well as your family.
to be able to hear God’s voice and Him instruct you is an amazing favor. Every blessing that is upon ones life is apart
of God’s favor.
I know would love to be able to hear the voice of the Lord and have His presence with them daily.
of matter you can have this experience if you will seek Him and not the material things in life. The more you seek the presence
of the Lord the more real He will become to you.
of the greatest favors that you can have on your life is having the peace of God, even while the storms are raging and the
trials are coming against you. If you have God’s peace you have His favor in your life.
World is seeking peace but in the wrong fashion and trying something that only numbs them for a short while but the peace
of God will never leave you as long as you keep seeking Him.
Bible speaks of being predestinated sons of God. If you are a predestinated Son of God, then you have His favor on your life.
may come to your mind, if you are so favored then why do you have to go through test in life? Why are things not working out
in your life?
misunderstand that those that have God’s favor on their life have thought there would be no troubles and no problems
but the more you seek God the more your flesh is going to rise up and manifest works of the flesh.
be of good courage for through prayer and seeking God’s help to over come the flesh God will show you favor in this
as well.
of Favor: approving, consideration, or attention.
Sonja ©7/21/09