There are those that
seek God for more revelations, there really is nothing wrong with this but I have a question or so for those of you today.
Do you think that is
all God desires out of His children?
What if in your everyday
life you spoke to your family or loved ones in such a manner? Do you really think you would be a blessing to them or have a
good relationship?
What if you just never
really carried on a conversation just to communicate?
desires a personal relationship with His people. You know where you just talk to
Him and enjoy His presence.
Sometimes God just
wants us to talk to Him. For sure He has been trying to talk to us.
So many are troubled
at this time and go before the Lord with all kinds of problems and trails. I am aware of this.
But have you ever thought
of just speaking to the Lord as your friend?
Why do so many treat
God as if all He is a getting place to run to when you just need something?
God created mankind
to fellowship with Him and so few really know what that is like.
I am finding out for
myself how much the Lord desires to communicate with His children.
This morning as soon
as I woke up here is what the Lord spoke to me,” Look out and see the snow”. So of course I looked out my window
and sure enough there was snow outside.
Why do you think that
the Lord was speaking on something as simple as this?
Do you ever think that
the Lord gets lonely just to carry on a conversation with His children?
Back in the beginning
in the book of Genesis, tells us that God would come down to the garden in the cool of the day to fellowship with Adam and
Here, Adam and Eve
ended up all tangled up with a dumb old tree and a stupid old snake and got involved with something that they were not even
suppose to be messing with.
I mean here, they had
God the Father to talk to and sit back and enjoy His wonderful presence. What is wrong with this picture?
Are people doing the same thing today as far as what all is going on wrong in the world .You know getting
all tangled up with all the bad things in this world?
Are people getting
all tangled up with the trees that produce no good fruit, only produce distraction?
People look to
a source that feeds into their emotional needs; they turn to dumb, stupid sources because with Gods answers, it's not answers
they want.
I really believe that
if we would just be real with the Lord and everyday communicate with Him there would be a bond that just could not be broken.
So many people are
in search of all types of things they only desire to show off as to how much they know , how truly ridiculous is that?
As for me, I just love
to hear the voice of the Lord, love to hear Him talk to me and I feel comfortable to talk with Him as well.
God has beauty He desires
to share with us each and everyday.
I thank you God, for
communicating with us today.
God bless each of you.
Sonja 12/6/2008