Let us gather together, giving praise and worship to our Lord and King.
Lift up our voices and sing.
If mankind refuses to bow in reverence before the Lord, then the rocks high on the mighty
mountains shall fall before Him.
Let joy burst forth from the hearts of every man, if man refuses to flow with His joy,
then the springs and mighty water falls shall burst forth with praises.
If man kind refuses to flow with His spirit, then the oceans shall burst forth with mighty
waves of praises and honor unto Him as the thunder shall roar out of His mighty power.
If great writers of this Earth refuse to speak beautiful words of the King of King’s,
then the sun shall dance with the clouds writing golden rays of glory across the sky giving praises and honor to the King.
If great musicians refuse to play for the glory of the Lord, then the raindrops shall
become musical notes to the ears of the Lord and the winds shall chime praises as the morning birds sing of His love.
Let the entire Earth gather together to praise and worship His mighty name.
He alone is worthy of all honor and glory, Jesus Christ our King.
Sonja © 2006