How is it that a person can go from being filled with the spirit of God having the anointing flow in them to seemly empty
and void of His blessings?
The question is does something like this happen over night or is it a processing that takes place?
Many have works of the flesh working in their vessel and believe it will cause no harm; their idea is that they can cope
with it. But the fact is as long as one is entertaining works of the flesh this cannot be good. It can only lead to a stunting
spiritual growth in God.
I know that if you have been around for any length of time you have known someone maybe yourself as well that had maybe
several works of the flesh and still they seem to function somehow in the spirit realm.
You may be asking how can this be, how is it that they have so many things working that is not godly yet can still come
in and out of the spirit?
First of all we have got to look at it as for many it is only a matter of time and that the Lord is working on them and
they will grow out of certain things that are not of God. This is called the grace of God, and we have no time limit on His
grace as we should not
These types could also be babies in the Lord and are just in need of learning the ways of the Lord. They need time for
the Lord to work out their life too learn.
Secondly there are those that seem to be falling back into the things of the world and how is it that the Lord seems to
still be working in their life at times? This is called falling away from their first love and believing this will be acceptable
and still not lose out with the blessings of the Lord. It has to do with a heart that is not centered in God. This type of
believing can only lead to destruction if not put into check as soon as possible. This is where teaching is most needed. Teaching
of the pit falls of the believer.
If this type of believing and life style continues it will be a matter of time and the blessings of God will not be. This
is a deceiving spirit and causing one to think everything is alright and in fact is not all right at all.
Thirdly, there are those that have been turned over to a reprobate mind and are walking and living in strong delusion.
These are those that have rejected God and have lived carelessly having not loved for the truth, living a lie and this is
when the Lord sends them a strong delusion and is damned and there by causing them to believe they can get away with anything.
But in fact are in the worse shape of all three of the categories. This type of person I would strongly suggest that you stay
away from such a one, to be careful with for this is a spirit and you could be deceived as well.
The reason I am writing this I have been seeking the Lord as to why His blessings are not flowing as He promised and what
it was that was hindering or stopping up the flow and His spirit.
This is what has been spoken; His blessing cannot be, no not with sin in the camp. He spoke this; those that break the
Ten Commandments those that live in sin willing are not in a place that I can bless such ones. No, not even those that is
inside that camp. Such things have stopped the flow of His spirit.
God has not changed and His ways are still the same as they were in the days of Moses when the children were not permitted
to go into Canaan&'s land they could only see the place where they could have been.
Just because Jesus Christ has come and paid the price for sin does not give any of us the right to break the commandments
and to willing sin.
If one or more are broken then this needs to be repented about to the Lord. Asking the Lord deliver you of such sin, to
not go against His will.
If people think they can get away with a sinning and still receive the blessings of the Lord this is not going to happen.
He will allow grace to be applied but for a while and if these things are not repented of, then judgment begins in the
house of the Lord.
There is no need to try and fool God with a worldly life style and think that it will be accepted by the Lord. Just as
well get this all cleared up so you can be a blessed child of God.
So if you are feeling the need to repent , come on back to your first love , come on what are you waiting for ? He is
waiting on you.
My prayer is that the children of God will search their hearts and get rid of anything that stops the flow of the blessings
of the Lord.