St John chapter 1. This passage of scriptures is where we need to get back. John was a man that came out of the wildness with
a message from God. He was the forerunner of Jesus Christ. If the church would get back to the message of the Kingdom of God
is at hand and there is one coming that is greater than all. If the church would stop all of their fighting over doctrine
and beliefs they would see a move of God. Far to many have gotten off of the original message of Jesus Christ. Thinking they
are growing in the knowledge of God by much learning. Get back to the message of Jesus Christ coming to set the captive free,
saving the lost from their sins. The blood of the Lamb of God is what will set the soul free from the bondages of sin. Get
back to teaching the message of repentant. Get back to teaching behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the World.
What a move of God we would see by teaching the message of Jesus Christ the son of God that has come to set man kind free
from sin. God is calling you to repent of your sins, ask him in your life today, ask him to set you free, ask for forgiveness.
He will come into your life and change your whole world. He will fill your life with hope, love, joy, peace; the list goes
on and on to those that simply ask the Lord to save them. Call on him now before it is too late.
Sonja 3/19/2006