Search the heart oh Lord and
reveal if there be any wrong motives.
Search the heart oh Lord if
there be deception.
Reveal the lies that have been
told and were accepted as truth.
Let us be aware of deception,
greed and envy that are about us.
He that is of the Lord shall
speak life and light.
Shall not speak unto your people
Reveal unto your children the
heavenly places that you have waiting for your people.
Let us go on unto the promise
land that you have designated for each of us.
Let us not look to man for our
help, hope, or deliverance.
Let us lift our eyes unto you
oh Lord and you only.
If your children seek your will,
your face, and lift up your name, then they shall come into a blessed place and a blessing to others.
Sonja © 7/12/09