I have been
reading the Bible and so far have learned a bit in doing so but I am concerned about the passages of scripture where Paul
was writing to the church.
This is
a question I really did not want to address and that has been in the back of my mind for years to address it. Are women
supposed to preach, teach or for that matter even speak out loud in the church?
I have avoided
this issue for many years now and sort of swept it under the carpet but I feel to go with this and address the questions at
Believe me I am not afraid to address this issue today, for I feel there is no need to avoid it for what is going to happen
if I do except maybe cause people to scratch their heads and wonder or seek the answer for their self.
women supposed to be preaching, teaching or even speak in the church?
First of all
let’s get something clear, I am a woman and I have preached in the past, as did my Grandmother so I am told.
So I feel I
can address this subject not because I think I have the answer but I just have the questions and if I go by what is written
in Paul’s writing then I should already have my answer.
But I have several
questions that go along with this issue. Here they are, you do the research. This is in respect to the Bible and Paul’s
writings. I’m just saying questions here.
First of all
Paul said in 1 Corinthians. 14: 34 let YOUR WOMEN keep silent in the churches for it is not permitted unto THEM to speak but
they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the LAW. Whose women is he referring to? Well its stated plainly it
was their women, them. Meaning they belonged to a man, there was nothing said about these women belonging to God now was there?
They were man’s women.
Then he goes
on to say, if they learn anything, let THEM ask THEIR husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
What does he mean if they learn? Does this mean these women weren’t learning while these men were speaking or teaching
in the church? Kind a sounds like that to me that even though they were attending church they were not learning anything from
the men while there.
It also makes me wonder just what were these men teaching and or saying while in the
church that it had to come to the point that the women had to wait until they got home to ask them just what were you talking
about here?
Now to ask another
question here, what about the women that had no husband? Did the single women not attend the meetings? What if a woman had
no husband what were she to do? She could not go and ask another woman’s husband now could she? Nor could she ask while
attending one such meeting? Because Paul made it clear ask THEIR HUSBAND at home.
Now, are we
today living under the law or are we living under grace? Was he referring to all married people, must have been because he
said let them ask their husband at home. Or was he just referring to all women in general?
Do you see just
how confusing this subject can get and could even go so far as to ask the question was Paul teaching grace or was he teaching
people living under the law?
It truly sounds
like there was a lot of confusion going on. First of all nothing was made very clear. Was Paul referring to just that group
of people, was Paul teaching the day of grace, because it actually appeared that he was teaching of the law whitch
was not being under grace but being under the law.
Let us also
remember that the word in Romans 2:3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His
own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.
Got a nugget
to throw in here: do you remember reading where Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9: 22 to the weak I as weak, that I might gain
the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some?
So it would be wise to get off Paul’s back for his writing and teachings for
he could walk in a depth that very few could have walked in order to see some saved. Not a lot of that going on in this world
today that is for sure. For people are so stuck in their old ways and so full of self they could never put the work of the
Lord first and forget their little beliefs and differences in order to reach the lost.
Oh, I know this
is too much for some of you I am sure. Could this be that Paul was teaching a people that were still living under the law?
Sort of sounds like it to me else why did he refer to the law? After all this was after the Lord Jesus Christ had already
come with grace.
We are now all one in the body of Christ for even Paul wrote after he had wrote about
women being silent in the churches in Galatians chapter 3 verse 28, There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond
nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Did Paul actually say we are
all one and if so then being one means that there is no separation in the body of Christ meaning we are all one of
the same?
If you are not careful this could all come into plain view and you could get an understanding as to what was really going
on here and your eyes could very well be opened. All I got to say to that is well praise the Lord for that!
Let us go on, I have another question here what does the Bible refer too as the body of Christ? Does it not refer to the body
of Christ meaning the church as the bride or the woman? Answer is yes, that the church is referred to as a woman and if one
were to follow through the passage of scripture of whitch Paul wrote pertaining to women being silent in the churches, then
this would by all means be saying each and everyone of the body of Christ, the church is to be silent in the churches, nothing
would be permitted to be said, taught, and or preached.
There would be nothing done by any one member at all whatsoever, if the members were separated into two different genders
or categories, if one were to go about and separate the women from the men because it is clear that Christ is the bridegroom
and we are His bride. Meaning He Christ is the man and the church (us all) is the woman.
To be honest it would absolutely wonderful if men and women got out of the way and just let the Lord do the speaking, teaching
and preaching. I find no problem at all being silent when one so great and wonderful of a teacher as our Lord Jesus Christ
takes His authority.
have not felt the Lord so powerful as to when I become silent before Him and I have found the place of rest and peace when
I am being still before the Lord.
I know there is much more that could be said about this subject and that there are
even more scriptures that are written in the Bible pertaining to this subject such things as when he was referring to the
fall in the garden as well as a woman's head were to be covered. If one were to following through then one
would have to abide by it all. but I feel this is enough to help you get a greater understanding.
Church, we are
all one in the body of Christ, He is the head and we are the body I would not want it any other way.
Now that I have
shared what has been on my heart for sometime now, I can go back to finishing up reading the rest of the Bible not got far
to go to have completed from cover to cover and after that then study some more. Can’t get too much of the knowledge
of the word of the Lord you know.
May God bless you and guide your pathway, Sonja
© 9/8/2010