Do not let anything get in the way of your destiny. Do not look back at the past it will side tract you. The Bible says I
press on toward the mark of the high calling Philippians 3: 14. This is what you are to keep in mind think of it like a race
and you must keep running in order to get to the finish line. Far to many have given up at the last mile. The truth is when
you are almost there and you are still going by faith and not by sight there will be times that you may get discourage. Keep
on running; press on toward your mark. Remember Lots wife in the Bible Gen. 19: 16 something made her to look back at the
city they were leaving. This only turns her into a pillar of salt. The fact that one would look back can and will make their
heart harden and will only stop your progress. Everything that has happen in your life is to teach you the power of the Lord.
God has brought you thus far and he will be with you all of the way but it is up to you to press on. Never give in to the
things that are trying to mislead you. Take things one step at a time do not think about how far you may have to go to get
to your point of destiny. It will be well worth your time and your effort to keep on going. Stay in the race and never give
up. Your reward is just ahead of you and Jesus Christ will be with you all of the way. Stay in the race to get to your place.
Sonja 7/12/2005