After having been in
the ministry for over forty years there is much knowledge the Lord has given to me to share with you and God has granted me
this opportunity.
The fire of the Lord
will die down due to the dictatorship of man and his lack of knowing what Jesus has done for each of us.
Starting from the beginning
the very first day I stood up to speak, some things were taking place during that time I did not know just how powerful the
fire of the Holy Ghost could become in my life.
Soon I was to find
out how great the spirit of the Lord was moving in the midst of that small group and I learned later what was really taking
I must admit I was
wondering just what the Lord would have me to speak for I took no thought as to what to speak I knew that I had to trust in
the Lord to give me the words to speak that hour.
The spirit of the Lord
took my mind over and what was coming out of my mouth astonished me I had no idea how the anointing of the Lord worked but
I soon found out just how wonderful He was.
Something I noticed
was as I was speaking I looked out at the people and all over the building was a haze or cloud that had filled the building.
I really did not know about how the spirit of the Lord showed up in a cloud.
Late in years I learned
had the people acknowledge the fact that the very presence of the Lord had entered that place what should have taken place
would have been be on wonderful.
After learning this,
I truly wept with tears of sadness over the lack of understanding that He was right there in the midst of us in such a powerful
I now know that
Jesus is right here with the believers today and He is in our midst. The fire of the Lord is for the people today as it was
on the day of Pentecost.
I recall speaking about
the Holy Ghost and fire and how over the course of time that fire can die down. I have learned the reasons why the fire that
once burn so greatly can go down to just a flicker.
The bondage that a
child of God can find their self under is pleasing the spirit of man and the religious spirit. The once on fire for God children
soon finds their self becoming under the law, that law Jesus came to set the people of God free from.
Jesus came to fulfill
the law and His purpose to destroy the works of the enemy and He accomplished that work as He said, “it is finished.”
Yet so many are still fighting that battle that Jesus has already won for each of us and where many are falling short of,
is not believing that Jesus has already defeated the enemy.
What so many are not
aware of is they are giving place to a defeated enemy and are making a big deal out of it to the point it has become a doctrine.
The Bible plainly says give no place to the Devil. The question has to be ask then why are so many giving place?
Something I have found
out is by allowing such doctrines to work soon kills the fire that once was burning down deep within the soul. Sometimes these
things do not happen over night this can take place over the course of years.
The fire dies down
and you are left with nothing but a bunch of pretending of what you once had. All that is left is just a little bit of smoke
and a few ambers.
The Bible tells us
that in the last days men shall become lovers of pleasure more than Lovers of God and this has truly taken place in many cases
that I have seen many thinking more about self than of God.
I have to be honest
here, that as I have had the Lord speak to me about this message my heart is sad, not about myself but what people are doing
to the Lord and how He has become less and less to the children of God.
I feel that there
is a wake up call for many of the people that have rejected the spirit of the Lord for a mere fleshly desire to be noticed
or keeping everything under their dictatorship.
There is an awakening
and a call is going out over the land to be heard one last time for many to come out from among those that do nothing more
than just hinder the move of God’s spirit.
How is your fire holding
out, has it died down? If so then I pray this message has stirring up the coals and the fires of the Lord starts to burn as
God intended it to be in your life.
May the Lord open the
people’s eyes and hearts, before it is to late.
Sonja 2/7/2010