This is a message about preparation, something one hears very little about. There has been such an overkill of what is going
to be such as the teaching of the mark of the best as well as Satan. Just how much does one need to hear of all the things
that are going to go on? People know that the world is in trouble but do they know how to receive the power and knowledge
of what the Bible says we are to do in these times?
Yet here we are teaching on the same thing over and over again. This by no means is preparing the children of God for
anything other than filling their hearts with fear .It almost appears that many thrive on the spirit of fear. The truth is
that child of God need to be working for the Lord to spread the good news and to get as many in to the Kingdom of God as possible.
If we have the Kingdom of God within us and we have him to fight our battles what do we have to fear? Putting on the whole
armor of God might be a good place for people to start teaching. To be well versed in the bible as how Jesus Christ has already
over come the works of the enemy. The teaching of the Devil has been taught far too much and this is also overkill. When was
the last time you heard a good old fashion message of the great things that Jesus said we would do? Such as these works will
you do and even greater things will you do. Gods people are not a group of people that will be defeated but overcomes. Yet
people are not being told of the wonderful and great things that are for the believers. To be prepared for something means
to be taught how you to can be an over comer. Teaching of how to walk by faith and not by sight to have the faith as the grain
of a mustard seed to see it to grow into a great tree. Teachers need to get off this kick of the devil and the end times of
all that is going to be going on. We have heard enough and people need to be taught that through Christ we can do all things.
Get back to teaching Christ and all of his power what he has over come already. The truth is Jesus Christ has paid it all
has done it all and all that you have to do is believe it all. Jesus Christ has cleared the pathway for you and He has won
the battle so start living like He has. If people were taught to keep their eyes on Jesus and to follow His will I know we
would see a lot more people living a victories life. So to sum it all up to be prepared is to have your faith in Jesus Christ
and learn what the Bible really says, who you are in Him
Are you prepared, do you even know who you are? Do you know that you as a born again believer are a Son of God. If Jesus
came to destroy the works of the Devil why is it we as believers are trying to fight a battle that has already been won? We
have wasted a lot of time and it is time to start believing His word.
Sonja 7/11/2005