There is a Holy Ghost fire that is moving in the hearts of those that are called to do a work.
The Lord has been preparing the hearts of the chosen. A word will come to them, go ye out. The World is going to experience
a Holy Ghost revival.
Those that have been called to this move that are leaders have been going through much testing and trials. This has been
a preparation so they will only have one thing on their mind and that is the Lord.
Many of these people have had very little to go on and have not been able to lean on man for help nor have they had material
things that they could hold onto. This has been going on for them in order to depend on the Lord alone.
(Note) those that have fed their bellies and have set back and watched those go hungry these God will deal with .
The coming forth of the chosen are liken as crying in the wilderness they are ushering in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Their
ministry will be all about Jesus Christ, Nothing else shall they lift up.
For they will not say come see all that I have build and have done. The chosen of God shall only speak of one coming that
is far greater than any power on Earth.
There is a separation going on, that God is doing. For all that have filled themselves and have spoken great swelling words
shall parish.
Many have had to eat crumbs from their fatting tables. Their day is falling into night for those that have had no compassion
for the hungry.
A great and mighty move of the spirit of the Lord is at hand.
The lost shall be saved for they shall hear the call of those that have the compassion for the lost.
A mighty organization shall fall and many shall be shocked of this news. There shall be a searching for the truth and for
leaders that have compassion for them.
Those that God is raising up shall have calmness for the flock that has been scattered about for they shall speak of the
prince of peace, which is Jesus Christ.
He alone shall be exalted above all names. Know that ones that have been exalting anyone thing above the name of the Lord
is not of the Lord.
Remember the Bible tells us " if I be lifted up shall draw all men unto me. This of course is Jesus that will and is being
lifted up .
The Lord wants his people to look to him and to lift up his name not the devils nor anything above him. He is all power
and the great I am.
So be encouraged my friend a mighty move of God is at hand.