Many times in life the question comes up, is this the will of the Lord and how do I know when it is or not?
So we are going to try to clear up some confusion or at least get you pointed in the direction to where you can find some
I know you have heard if something is or is not all the will of the Lord all the many tails and some horror stories as
well. This is not the purpose for this writing I sincerely want to help you in decisions making.
This is where it can get tricky and when it comes to your own life there are no quick answers. For it is going to take
you being truly dedicated to the will of the Lord and you must get your feelings out of the way is the very first thing that
has to be done.
What is going to be going on in the next several lines are what we shall call, self checks. Your motives, your intentions
are to no longer be controlling you at all. I am not saying you will not be tempted to follow your own motives but what I
am saying is your will has to come up under subjection to the Lord.
When I hear people say they want the will of the Lord in their life, I always think do they really know what they are
saying here? I have to be honest I can't say that in everything that I do I am willing to say well what I want does not matter.
I have to learn as well as you do.
I know that in order to get to the point of submitting to the will of God I am going to have to learn that not my will,
and just by my saying I want the his will, does not always mean I am even ready to do his will, there will be a time of preparation
that has to be.
Many want to exclude the preparation and just fall into the will of the Lord and that is not going to happen not as long
as there is your self standing in the way.
Far too many are playing the game called, laying blame. By that I mean are not willing to admit the problem is their self.
The reason why is pride.
The entire purpose of doing the will of the Lord is very plain and if you can follow this rule you won't find yourself
wondering if something is the will of the Lord or not. You will no longer be in control and your will shall no longer an option.
You have to come to the place that you truly trust in the Lord and get over thinking that something won't get done if
you are not the one doing it. Thinking that everyone else is incompetent is coming from the spirit of pride that has to go.
This is yet another self check that has to be applied in decision making.
The more mature believer knows when they are stepping out of the will of the Lord but the younger ones have to learn and
can very well take the hard way of learning. You have to consider that for all of ones life they are taught to take charge
and be in control, when you say I desire the will of the Lord, you are saying what I want does not matter at all.
To become a willing vessel you have to become as clay in the hands of the potter and this takes a commitment and a getting
self out of the way.
God knows if you are ready when you make such a statement and know that just because you state it does not make it so.
One has to look at the Bible charters take a look at Abraham and Sara, here the Lord had told them what their promise
was and yet they thought that God needed their help to perform his will and of course we know they got off tract and had to
go the way the Lord intended them to go.
There is a learning process for all of us and each of us has self to get out of the way in order to do the perfect will
of the Lord.
To know the will of the Lord you must simply get yourself out of the way, the inner man will grow and will see the whole
picture that God is painting in your behalf.
The best advice I can give you is this, enjoy the Lord, enjoy his loving spirit and let him become the love of your life.
The less you think on self the closer you will become to your loving Heavenly Father. May the Lord bless you.
Sonja 12/20/2007