There is a passage in the Bible that tells us to make our calling and elections sure. 2 Peter 1:10. There is a very good
reason for this and for each of us to make sure we know what we are called to do. God does not want us to start something
that we are not called to do. The reason for this is it is hard enough to do the work when one is called to do it. To say
nothing of those that are out trying to do a work that they are not called to do. You may see a certain type of ministry that
you like and you feel this is what type of work that you would like to do. Beware of this for many things will become appealing
to you that God has not ordained you to do. Going out trying to do a work that you are not chosen to do may and can kill you
in the spirit. Reminds me of the a place in the Bible where someone was trying to cast out the devil and did not have the
power to do so, to those that know this story the devil said to them Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are you. The results
were, the devil tore them up. This is not what God intends for your life. He wants you to be prepared to go out and do his
work. To put on the whole armor of God means to be prepared to do battle. Do not mistake someone trying to prepare you to
do God’s work as to someone trying to control your life. There are many out there that maybe would like to control but
there are many that are thinking and working for your good. Sometimes there will be thing that happen to you in order to prepare
you. I want to share with you a story in my life that could have become devastating to me had I not learn that God was trying
to teach me something. We were in a service and I walked up to a lady in church and laid my hand on her to pray for her. Doing
so she turned around and told me to take my hand off of her or she would get up and walk right out of the building. Many were
being prayed for in the service and this was a normal thing that went on in this church. Kind a funny now but at the time
I ask God why did this happen to me. Yes there were tears that were rolling down my face from the feeling of rejection. Later
I found out that before you lay a hand on anyone you better know for sure that it is the will of the Lord for you to be doing
so. Not everyone is ready to have you pray for them and for sure in this day and age you better not do anything before you
know it is ok and that is the Lord. Something else to share is not everyone is happy that God is using you and blessing you.
Never know what others may be going through, then here you come a lone all full of the spirit and bubbling over just may not
be the thing they want to deal with at the time. So just keep in mind to know the will of the Lord for your life. Become a
blessing to others by using wisdom and make sure steps in your own walk.
Sonja 8/24/04