Taking the 23rd. Psalm you can find a truth, promises that you may want to know.
Starting with the first verse; The Lord is my Shepherd (directing me in all I do, I follow Him and not man.) I shall
not want ;( I do not lack in anything in anyway.) He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; (I rest in the Lord, I take
comfort in Him and I do not lack in anything for green pastures are life and food both for my natural and spiritual person.)
He leadeth me besides still waters ;( I will not endure storms as long as I am following Him. I shall be in a peaceful
environment.) He restoreth my soul; whatever has been destroyed he shall rebuild, He makes right what has been wrong.
If it is torn up, He restores.) He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name sake ;( If I am following Him
I can make no wrong turns and I will be directed to the right path. I represent His name, His name is a good name and He will
keep it that away in me.) Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil; If I wonder off
going through bad and hard times, those times are only a shadow. He will comfort me, he is right there with me.) Note: it
does not say I will walk through, it is saying if I do, knowing this by the way the words are written, though I. Thou
preparest a table before me in the presents of mine enemies ;( this is saying there are going to be enemies of our soul. He
gives us blessed assurance that He will bless us right in the very midst of them, so not to focus on enemies but focus on
what He has prepared before us. This is a promise of feasting while the enemies are watching.) Thou anointest my head
with oil;( he will be in my mind , my head if you please, His anointing is all power, all knowing whatever I have need to
know He will anoint me or show me.) My cup runneth over ;( I shall be blessed until I run over; I shall have peace, joy,
love, and all that wonderful things that are in His Kingdom, I shall be filled with His power. No lack) Goodness and mercy
shall follow me all the days of my life; (everywhere I go, everything I do there shall be blessing I shall have mercy not
only for myself but for all those about me. I shall have good and not bad with me.) I will dwell in the house of the Lord
forever; (wherever I am, whatever I do, I shall be in Him and He in me. I shall be in His Kingdom and His Kingdom shall be
with me forever. This is a promise that I will not be lost.)
Note; all of these promise and all these wonderful things
that are written in Psalm 23, this is activated by following the Shepherd our Lord, not following our self or mankind. These
promises are real and they are true. So now you know the truth and that this Psalm 23 is a promise for our everyday walk
in life as we serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Why not activate it by following the Lord our Shepherd?
Sonja © 2007