I wonder how many would be willing to go the extra mile for a brother or a sister.
How many would be willing to fast and to pray, to say nothing about having an all night prayer meeting?
Last night a group of people that I know had an old fashion all night prayer meeting, this has touched my heart and my
spirit has been stirred to the point, I weep. Not a weeping for myself but for those that are willing and love the Lord enough
to go the extra mile as this group of people have done.
Needless to say I was not able to attend, I was here and they were there but the miles made no matter to the Lord. Off
and on through out the night I woke to intercede with my brothers and sisters that were sacrificing before the Lord. My soul
was stirred to help pray with them and for them.
God begin by speaking first thing yesterday morning to my spirit and was working through out the whole day. He was ministering
to those that have needs and desired to hear from the Lord. I was so blessed the whole day and into the night as well.
I felt that the Lord was honoring the people's prayers and was hearing their cries as they sought the Lord way into the
night, I was feeling the over flow as those I knew were praying and seeking God.
This is what it is going to take to get the people that are in bondage, that need healing, whatever they have need of.
There has to be brought before the Lord an offering. We all have a work to do and some have more to do than others that are
willing to do more. God will honor any offering that you present before him. He will bless his children that seek him.
Just to know that there are still people out there that truly desire to hear the Lord and to reach out be on their self
and seek God for others is truly a blessing.
This I feel is something so many are not willing to do anymore. Many just want the blessings of the Lord without any effort
on their part. So many have gotten so lazy they would never think about fasting or praying.
This is what it is going to take in order to get the body of Christ back on tract back to the way they were in the early
church those people desired the Lord above all things.
Did you know that the Bibles tell us that this kind cometh by prayer and fasting, this is something that the Lord has
told us that we are to do in order to see a real break through? Those that obey the word of the Lord are going to see the
break through in their midst and those that do not, will they are going to be put off until they are willing to obey the word
of the Lord.
God is drawing his people closer to him and there is something that is about to take place across this land a great and
mighty move of God's spirit where people will receive Christ as their savior and many shall be made whole.
When was the last time you really needed to hear what the Lord had to say about decisions that were ahead of you?
Did you even know God speaks to his people today? Or have you been told that the day of God speaking was over that it
ended back in the New Testament time.
God has placed the gifts in the church in order for you to know the will of Lord or in order for someone to have a conformation.
The days of the early church are bursting forth as they did in the beginning of the Holy Ghost filling people soul. We
are going to see this happen in our generation and what it is going to take is a blood bought born again believers that will
say yes, Yes Lord, I will go I will fast, I will pray.
The church needs to have a willingness to shut down everything in order to see God sweep across this dry old land and
pour out his blessings.
We are going to hear of wonderful things take place of revivals springing forth starting with the little groups. People
this World has never heard of are going to be used to spark this great move of God.
So try fasting for your community, your family, your church group. Try praying and seeking God you will be amazed as to
what all the Lord will do and how he will honor those that seek him and are willing to go the extra mile.
Sonja © 2008