There is a big sin that is
in the camp that would fit under the category of the “Gossip Committee” picking others apart to the bone.
I have found this sin to be
running ramped as a wild fire in amongst the body of Christ and that is finding fault and accusing a brother or sister or
for that matter the poor lost soul that needs salvation.
The covering up of such horrible
actions of gossip and backbiting go on behind the poor unsuspecting victims that are being picked apart to the bone.
Backbiting and gossip has
been the downfall of many a good soul and a work such as a church and many not being aware of such things that are destroying
This has slowly taken the
whole body down to ground level and those that are doing such deeds needs to be thrown out of the camp, if they cannot keep
their mouth shut.
If someone deems it important
to take apart, piece-by-piece any and everything about others they are not of God.
Theses type of people have
been deceived into thinking they are doing God a favor by speaking against a dear soul that may be already having to deal
with more than that one could imagine.
The truth is there is a spirit
that has been deceiving so many into thinking it to be all right to gossip and to pick apart. When in fact the bible speaks
against those that are talebearers and gossipers.
Then we also are having another
problem in the midst of the body and this would fit under the category “Big Self” whatever can be done to be seem
and to be noticed by others and if that means to take someone down then so be it.
This type spirit is the sin
of becoming a parasite, feeding off of others and taking from them and or their achievements.
This is a sin of the Ten Commandments
that is the sin covets; envying something someone has been given.
This spirit does not care
who or what they knock down or destroy just as long as they get what they are after. Such a one is all about self and becoming
These are sins that have been
having a field day within the ranks of the body of Christ and there must be a sound of alarm.
God is not about destroying
but He is a God of creation and loving His people.
The Bible say by this you
will know you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.
I pray this will open the
eyes of the deceived poor souls.
Sonja © 2/7/2010