can be done to reach a stage of maturity and issues with childish behavior?
Starting at
a very young age we have learned the art of manipulating and getting things our way, such actions as crying, screaming, tattling,
and pouting in order to motivate others so we can have things our way.
If you
are one that has reached the stage of maturity and now you have found yourself having to deal with those that are still in
stage 1, sometimes it can be difficult to cope.
So what
do you do when you are having the deal with those that act as if they are a child and what can be done if you know you are
acting like a spoiled child yourself?
does God view us when we have not obtained growth? Does He just tell us to grow up; does He just ignore it until it goes away?
of the very first things that are going to transpire is an awaking to the fact there is no place in the work of the Lord for
a grown up that is childish.
So the
Lord starts training us is by causing us to have to sit back and not be a part of the great works that He has for those that
have obtained maturity. This will cause one of two things it will either bring out the worst in us or make us wake up to the
fact He will not use us if we refuse to grow up. Or it will create within a desire to want to grow out of childish behavior
in order to be allowed to participate in His great work.
back watching others be allowed to do things and not being able to participate
in any of the functions can and does make you to stop and think about your actions. It is a way the Lord causes us to desire
a growth, and a maturity.
is no room for spoiled childish like behavior in the work of the Lord. People will just want to get away from you as far as
they can, believe me your nature is sticking out like a sore thumb. So this is yet another form the Lord has in getting your
attention is no one wants to be around you. This will truly burn up a spoiled one, I can tell you that but it is all apart
of having to grow up. It is a needed process in order for growth to take place in your life.
if you act like a child you will be treated like a child; you will be bypassed when it comes to the functioning of the work
of the Lord.
So yes,
I would say the Lord knows how to handle His child like people that think they are going to still have everything their way.
He sits us down and makes us have to watch while others are enjoying the work of the Lord.
Sonja 7/31/07