In order for mankind
to be saved it took the death of Jesus and His resurrection for the plan of salvation to be for the entire World.
Jesus was not shocked
by the sins of the World. He just knocked the sin out with His power.
So many people seemed
to be so moved by what others are doing as far as sin or whatever and focus their minds on sin far too much.
Jesus overcame sin
for all mankind and if in fact He did, then why are so many so wrapped up in sin and why is it sin is all much can talk about
and teach about?
Why do so many people
speak of the power of the devil when Jesus overcame the devil? The truth seems to be that many are still living under the
old law and are putting down rules that were for that time, before Jesus came and did all the work that needed to be done
for mankind.
It has appeared to
be that some are trying to redo the work that Jesus already did for all mankind and are trying to be justified by their works.
I hear so many talking
about all their works and how much work is needed to be done in man. Do they not know that the word tells us it is not by
works less any man should boast?
Ephesians 2:8-10 says
for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should
boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should
walk in them. Do they not know that the word tells us it is not by works less
any man should boast?
Then why are so many
trying to prove their works to be something great on their part?
The Lord has done the
work needed done in order for mankind to be saved that is all there is to it.
He did it now it is
up to people to just accept that fact and live in heavenly places that He has prepared for His children.
Either His blood saves
us or not. Yet so many are still trying to get saved and don’t even know if they are saved or not.
This all comes about
by living under the old law, living under a religious spirit proving their salvation by their works.
People your works is
not what gets you saved. Work all you want to and it will still never be enough. It took one named Jesus to give His life
for salvation for the World.
Sonja 4/4/10