you want to know if you are in the will of the Lord or not here is a way you can do a check on your motives.
are going to go back to the book of Exodus chapter 20 and do a check with the Ten Commandments.
reading the Commandments it will become plain to see what ones motives are. If it is God related or self related.
gave His children the Commandment for this reason to know what His will is and what He has commanded of His children.
following the commandments you can know assuredly what the will of the Lord is in anything you may endeavor to achieve.
lets start with the very first: “Thou shall have no other gods before me.” If anything you do comes before
the Lord, then it is a god. If what you are doing is lifting up self or man then you know it is not the will of the Lord to
be doing.
Second: Thou shall not make unto thee any graven images or any likeness
(here is yet another look alike) of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the
water under the earth.
this is saying do not make any “look a likes”, something that appears to be God’s will or has to do with
the order of God. There is much more to this as well. A person can become a graven image to you. You can even go so far as
to allow one to dominate over you this can become a graven image. (One that controls you.)
shall not bow down to them (catering to or submitting too.) for I am the Lord they God am a jealous God.
image is an object of worship carved of wood or stone, earthy objects not heavenly. (Man made such as functioning in the carnal
realms) This is something that you have made with your own hands and is something that God has nothing to do with.
Third: thou shall not take the name of Lord thy God in vain. Vain; means
having no real value. This should really open the eyes of those that are doing a work that has nothing to do with God. Meaning
doing a worthless work with no fruit of the spirit of the Lord will not produce anything of value.
Forth: remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. This day is the Lord’s
and the Lord’s only. It is not about doing all the extra things that you have put off until this day. This day is all
about God. And it is to be kept holy.
Fifth: honor thy father and mother: that the day may be long upon the
land that the Lord thy God hath given thee. This is a commandment with promise here He has said if you want to live a long
time keep this commandment.
Six: Thou shall not kill. This not only means not to take another’s
life but this means to not kill ones dreams, visions, work that is being done. Simply put keep your hands to your self and
leave others alone. Do not destroy others.
Seven: Thou shall not commit adultery. This one is not only for the married
folks as far as being faithful to a spouse, but if one is unfaithful to the Lord and focuses on other than serving God then
this is a form of adultery against God. (Going back to carnal desires is adultery.)
Eight: Thou shall not steal. To steal is to take something that is not
yours and you taking it as if it were yours this is stealing, this is plain and simple. Taking over something that was not
given to you from God is stealing as well.
Nine: Thou shall not bare false witness against thy neighbor. False is
to adjust as to make as deceive, not true. This should shut the mouth of all the lies that many are living in and making things
appear to be something it is not.
means, one that gives evidence. You better make sure that what you are telling or spreading around
is the truth and not a lie. One would be better off to say nothing that to spread a lie.
If you have been telling stories about someone you better know you will be judged on this matter.
Stay out of other peoples business is the best advice that can be given here.
Yet we have so many that are telling tails and lies just so they can make their self look as if
they are filled with knowledge and this goes right back to taking something away from another that was not theirs to take.
Mind your own business is good advice.
Ten: Thou shall not
covet thy neighbor’s house; thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his
ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.
This pretty well covers it all. Nothing that anyone else has should a child of God desire to have.
To covet is to envy what others own and this can go so far as coveting a call on ones life could get into the sin of covet.
Leave stuff alone that is not yours that has not been given to you.
If you take it or covet it, not only are you taking something that is not yours, this would be
stealing and lying. It goes so far as to say that even if you envy something, you have committed this sin.
Man that is a major subject that truly needs to be taught to the children of God to help
them understand.
To sum it all up as to how to know something is or
is not the will of God. If it is not about God, if it does not abide by the commandments of God then you can know it is not
the will of God.
These things should be taught to the children of God in order for them to grow in a healthy way
and not disobeying the word of the Lord.
This lesson should help you to follow the Lord and do His will and should help you to know what
the will of the Lord is for your life.
Sonja ©3/16/2009