Gods Glory fills the Temple
I am, aware that the people of God talk about God manifesting His glory and or a revival happening in their midst.
So what is it going to take to actually see and feel the spirit of the lord and experience the manifestation of the Lord?
It is truly about Gods timing but here are something that have been in my spirit for a very long time now and I want to
share with you what it is.
We are talking about the great I Am, the creator of this life. We are not talking about inviting a guest speaker or a
person to come and attend a gathering.
So we need to realize in order to experience the manifestation of the Glory of the Lord, there is going to have to be
some changes within the church or those that are seeking the Lord.
I often think of the time in the Old Testament when they put up a tent for the porpoise of having the Glory of God to
fill that temple, what a sight that must have been for those people to actually see the glory of God come inside there and
manifested His beautiful Glory.
I have shared with most of you the very first time I ministered at a small little church and I felt the anointing of God
shower over my entire being and as I was speaking words that were just flowing out of my soul with no preconceived thought
of what I was going to say from one moment to another, I looked out to where the people were setting and there was a cloud,
looked like a midst hovering over the whole building. I had no idea what that was and even ask if the people saw what I saw.
The old pastor of the church said, we are having our own little Azusa Street, well, I had no clue what he was speaking
of, not until a much latter time. All I knew was I was feeling such a power surge that I was caught up into a level I had
never experience in my life time. It was like a volt of lighting filling my whole being.
I later realizes what we were experiencing was the actual Glory of the Lord.
I realized that the Lord was manifesting His glory as I stepped out by faith to obey His wonderful call on my life and
He was presence was there with us.
This was some forty years ago but the more I think of it, the more I desire to experience His Glory to fill this temple
and I desire to see His people to experience His wonderful glory.
The things that I have learned over the years is, it takes more than just talking about a great move of God, I know what
the people of God desire to see the glory of the Lord but what does one do in order to experience His Glory to fill the temple?
It is not so much about the structured building to be filled; it is about the temple of the people to be filled with His
This can only take place by getting your mind completely on God, to come expecting and to be humble before the Lord.
The many things that hinder the move of God are, the people must get their minds on the Lord, to get caught up in Him,
seeking Him alone.
Not caring what others are doing or thinking about you or you thinking about them. It is all about having your mind and
soul on Him, to praise His above all other.
To get your mind off the things the world is doing and not doing, it truly is about only God, to come together in one
mind and that is to worship the Lord, to flow in His spirit, toss traditions out the window and just flow in the spirit of
God, to have such a hunger for the Lord.
Traditions of man have blocked the flowing of the spirit of the Lord. Remember if it does not exalt the Lord, then just
what is it exalting?
Not about the devil, the world, the carnal ways of man but all about stepping out of the fleshly ways. It is about getting
so caught up in His spirit that He will appear in the midst.
As I said before, we are talking about the Great I am, the Mighty God and we as His people acknowledging that fact, we
are inviting this Holy God in our midst. As I write this I am feeling His mighty power serge through me. Praise the Lord!
God wants to fill the temple and He is ready, I can feel Him as I write this message, now it is up to us, to get so caught
up in Him and keep our minds only on Him then we shall experience His great move of His spirit.
Come expecting and keep your mind in one accord, with God the very center of it all.
Be looking for the glory manifestation of God and praising Him for His appearing.
God bless
Sonja Arnold