Seems there are more voices than one out there and the problem with many has been to know the difference
between God’s voice, voice of reasoning and the voice of the enemy.
So what is a person to do and how can you tell the difference?
First of all you must know that God will never tell you to do something that may harm you or destroy you or those around
you when you are seeking His will or directions. God’s voice will never be about harming yourself or others, which is
not God’s voice.
His voice is always about hope, directions, and proper instructions that will only lead you to victory.
God’s voice is never about giving up and throwing in the towel, His voice will always give you
a way out of anything that you may have found yourself caught up into.
The sense of reasoning is always about trying to explain how it is impossible to walk by faith. Is not
about trusting in God but the voice of sense of reasoning is a down to earth way of thinking, is not on a level higher than
earthly things.
One must also know sense of reasoning is not always a bad thing it can help you to not jump into something
head first. Sense of reasoning will cause you to test the waters to see if it could be possible to achieve.
Now God will never ask you of such things as, jump off a cliff and trust in Him to take care of you,
that way of thinking is just plain lame to even think of such a thing to do.
God will set high goals for you; He will cause you to raise your standards and goals much higher than
where you are right now.
God does not have to yell to gain ones attention, He will speak to you in a voice that will increase
your faith; His voice will make more sense than any voice you can ever hear. God’s voice will give one hope, not destruction.
When you read the Bible and learn what God is all about it should make it very clear as to what voice you are hearing.
Remember if it does not build up the body of Christ, if it does not edify, encourage, giving you directions
that will lead to victory then it is very clear it is not God’s voice.
The enemy speaks loud and he never has a positive thing to tell you, it will always cause doubt, fear,
or trying to convince you that you know all. All the enemy has to offer is lies, deceiving to trick you but always remember
if it does not build up, encourage your faith, then it is not from God.
May God bless each of you, Sonja ©