Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make! Behold the Bridegroom is coming! For as it is written in the book,
there shall be five that were wise and five that were foolish. St. Matthew 25:2 .The Bridegroom is coming for those that have
prepared herself as a bride. Holding onto his promises that He will come and take unto him his bride. There will be praises
from the highest mountain from those that are prepared and cry in the lowest valleys to those that are not. Those that are
prepared that have been dwelling upon the Lord day and night shall be taken. Those that are not prepared and have burned up
the oil in their lamps shall not. Think about this, half of the World shall not be able to be with the Lord. Many have spent
all that they have to satisfy their own lust. There will be no two-way streets you either will or you won’t be able
to enter in with the Lord of Lords. To those that have waited on the Lord shall feel an astonishing burning deep within their
bones an excitement will be in their very being. To those that are not ready they shall be overwhelmed with fear and torment
with the knowledge they have spent their life fulfilling their own lust. When the words ring out behold the Bridegroom cometh
while being announced there will be no time to run and hide nor will there be time to prepare. Only those that have made the
Lord the very center of their lives will be able to go into the chamber. What a horrible feeling it will be for those that
are left outside. Oh yes this is not to say you may hope you will be able to get by on the skin of your teeth like you have
been doing most of your life, not so when this time comes. The false pretence will finally end and your life will become an
open book. The Bridegroom will know his bride and who is not. You have played around walking on the edge of life lying to
yourself as well as lying to the Lord but this shall soon come to past, you shall no longer live a false hood. The truth shall
be reveled. The glory of the Lord shall come to take his bride away and neither enemy nor powers shall be able to stop his
catching away of his bride. The time once was that many things did come against his bride and those that reticule and made
mockery of the bride for denying themselves of Worldly pleasures shall soon see who is on the who’s list. Yes many have
been persecuted and made to feel like an outcast yet this to shall pass. The Bridegroom shall turn his face from the wicked
and shall take away only the pure at heart. Are you ready? Have you oil in your lamp? Have you saved yourself for the Lord
and him alone? Woe unto those that have burned up their oil for there will be no room for them. It would be wise to repent
of your life style and ask God to forgive you of your sins. The night is far spent and the day is at hand. These things that
the World has had to offer will be of no value to you when this time comes. To the bride a word of encouragement, all that
you have gone through all the temptations, trails everything you can imagine came against you, many times being lonely. My
friend, nothing to compare to what it shall be like when you see the Lord face to face. What a wonderful experience it shall
be and it shall be worth it all when this day comes. May God blessings be with you
Sonja 9/1/04