Try as hard as you want, trying and forcing the blessings of the Lord upon something he has not ordained to be for you are
just wasting your time as well as all those about you.
God will not bless anything he has not ordained to be.
So many think they can change the course of action by thinking or believing in a positive manner but here is truth, if
God is not in something, he just is not there in it.
That makes sense does it not? So why are so many trying to have it their way? Why are people trying activating God as
if he is some sort of computer program that man has designed for self pleasure?
Here is what the program is, If God is in it, then it will work and it shall happen as he said it would and there may
be times the process is not as fast as some may want it to be but nevertheless God will do what he has only promised to do
and trying to make God cause something to work is not going to make it happen, it is his way or no way.
Know God's will, know what he said he will bless and then get in there and hang onto his promises.
Though it may appear to not happen, it will in his time.
God does not lie and God will not bless a lie.
Sonja © 2008