I am here to sound the trumpet of God. There has been an all out battle going on to discourage the
children of God.
Many have had almost everything come against them to try and cause the believers to throw in the
towel. Many have not even known what has been going on and have thought it was their fault. I am here to tell you it is not
you but it is a battle in these days to bring about confusion your way.
I myself have been under fire and as I have learn to just wait upon the Lord to show me what to
do and what is going on.
Tonight the Lord spoke to me as I prayed, I could see many have been under pressure and have been
discouraged. I fell it is time to reveal these lies that have been coming against the believers. Some of the lies that are
being told to many of Gods children are these; first the enemy is telling the believers that there is no God. If this not
enough the next thing that will go through your mind is, God does not care for you for if He did why would He let all of these
things come against you. Why would He not stop the trials that you are going through. Next thing that comes to you is God
does not hear you and there is no reason to be praying. One other thing that is used against the children of God is this thought
will come to you, are not worthy enough for God to help you. These are all lies to try and discourage you and your walk with
Now lets see first he said that there was no God then why would he be telling you that God does
not care? Do you not see how confused the enemy is? He does not even make sense. Why is that you ask? The enemy of God is
nothing but confusion and that is what he is trying to bring upon you.
My friend the battles are great and many times your family will not even understand the battles
you going through. There are been times you feel alone in this warfare that you are going through.
I want you to know that God is right there with you and you are not alone. Tell the enemy that he
is a liar that you will have no part of him and his lies that he cannot torment you any longer. Rebuke the enemy in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Come up higher and do not listen to the lies. For those that refuse to listen to the lies of the
enemy God has a great victory and they shall over come the powers of hell.
The enemy has already lost the battle Jesus has won the battle for you so turn it all over to the
Lord. You will find after doing so victory will be on it's way to you.
Sonja 12/18/04