I am sure that many have wondered if God has a plan for their life. Does it matter to God where you live and what you do with
your life? Does He have a plan for the one that you may spend the rest of your life with? Or is it just a guessing game with
people on Earth? By many not knowing the answer to these questions they could miss out on His blessings. Life is not a guessing
game and He does have a plan for His children. It is imperative to know His will. Just because you do not have a calling on
your life does not mean that you are any less than anyone else. Each and every one of His children matters to the Lord. Many
feel as if God is far to busy to care whom they marry or the job they have the list can go on and on. It matters to God how
you feel and what you even think so why would it not matter to Him what you do with your life. You and I are not just a number
to God for each one of us is special in his eyes. After all He is our Father and a father cares about what happens to his
children. God cares so much that He sent His son to die in our place to save our souls from hell then why would He not care
how we live or for that matter where we live. I do have a scripture for this subject for those that deem it needed in order
to believe what I am writing about. Romans12: 2 speak of knowing that good, acceptable and perfect will of God. There are
many more in the Bible about knowing the will of the Lord .The best way to find His will is to seek Him to ask Him for directions
and follow them as well as read His word. Pray each day for His will and then praise Him
Sonja 7/12/2005