What is faith?
Hebrews chapter 11 tells us a lot about
Faith is something not seen, things hoped
Faith is having a made up mind that no
matter what appears to be, it will change.
Faith is thanking God for what is to be.
Faith is holding on when no one else is.
Faith is calling out and waiting for an
Faith is, believing, refusing to doubt.
Faith is having trust that it is, even
if it isn’t in view or manifested yet.
Faith is saying it may not be done yet,
but it will be, it shall be.
Faith is setting your eyes upon the promises
of God.
Faith is being like a child that trust
in his or her provider.
To be as a child that wakes up each day,
having the assurance that you will have food, you will be warm, you will be cared for.
A child does not doubt that those that
love them will take care of them.
You cannot go by what you see or even by
what you are feeling, when walking by faith.
Why, because the working of achieving something
in God is to trust that it is.
You may not be healed yet, but you shall
You may not know what direction you are
to go, but you will.
You may not have deliverance yet, but you
You may be in a dry barren land right now,
but by faith rain is coming.
This is what faith is, refusing to accept
anything other than what the God has said shall be.
It may take awhile, it may not come as
soon as you want it to, and by faith in God it is coming.
You are a child of the Heavenly Father
and He will take care of you.
Have faith in God for your miracle, for
by faith it is coming.
Sonja 3/4/2007