My prayer for you that are in search in finding God, you will find God the Creator.
I am aware that many are in search of something that is real and meaningful.
I am also aware of the many faiths and different beliefs there are out there it is like a huge jungle. The main problem
everyone declares they are the one true faith.
This can become very confusing to a person that just wants to know God and His wonderful salvation that He has for all
It can become disheartening to those that are in search of peace of mind.
Many religions want to bombard you with all their knowledge or impress you with their experience and seem to forget that
you are even in the room or on the same planet.
So many times when one is on a quest in search for God many want to tell you all about what religion is not of God.
I see something really wrong with this for it appears that it is more important for them to prove who is right and who
is wrong than to just simply shut up about all that and just say a prayer with the one that is in search for God.
Pray a prayer one such as this. God, if you are out there and you are real; please make it known to me that I may find
true peace for my soul, I want to be saved Lord.
That about sums it all up.
Sonja 7/7/07