Each and every one
of us have a cause and purpose as to why we do things as we do.
There has to be a
motivation a reason why people do and act as they do.
I think the hardest
thing is to know where some are coming from or better way of putting it what spirit they are of. Times we need to do a check
on our self as to what spirit is it that is working in us as well.
You may not discern
over night even if you believe yourself to be a good judge of character. You could very well be deceived and not even know
what spirit you are dealing with.
There are many deceivers
and a true believer needs to know the different. There is only one way you will know them by their fruits, (meaning what is
being produce) but also knowing there is a possibility of deception going on right up under your nose and you not knowing
Just because one
says Lord, Lord does not make them a true child of God with right motives and intentions.
Having an outward
manifestation causing one to believe they have right motives but inside are full of dead man’s bones. It is not the
outward appearance that is so important; it is the intent of the heart.
Even the devil tried
to tempt Jesus and of course we know he was no competition to one as great as Jesus. You and I are going to have to know what
spirit is working and just who it is that is speaking. We have to know the voice of the Lord God. What did you think that
the devil would not try to speak to you for some reason? He sure did to Jesus.
People need a wake
up call and they are going to have to come out from under the rocks they are hiding under, get real and know the real.
There are warning
signs that are popping up all around and this lame old excuse, “I did not know” will not get it when it comes
to the God’s work, we have to know the truth and the real.
The Bible does tell
us that “my sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow” some believing this to mean they could not
follow the wrong voice. But you can very well be in your flesh and be following the wrong spirit and many have thought that
this meant they could not follow the wrong voice.
The Bible also tells
us to try the spirit and know if it is of God or not, so this telling us there will be deception going on.
Sonja © 2007