The Lord would have you to know that there are those that profess to know Him and say they are of God but they are standing
in the door and will not let others to go inside, inside to where the Kingdom of God is. For them selves will neither go in
nor come out.
St Matthew 23:12- 14 explains what is going on with those that are not in God and those that are standing in the way,
It is a way one will be able to discern the stumbling blocks that cause the children of God to be hindered.
They stand at the door and hinder, not only are they hindering them to come in but they are causing others to look to
them for their needs to be met so as not to learn of the ways of the Lord as well.
He the Lord God is our source and He alone is our supply.
When you get this learning in your soul, then you will know why it is many things have not been working in your behalf.
If your needs are not being met, what you are going to have to do is seek the Lord and need to know if you are truly on
an assignment of God and not following things of the flesh.
When man is in self there will be no supply it will be cut off, the provider is the Lord, He will only provide at the
assignment that He has placed you on.
So you cannot prosper and you will not be able to be fulfilled. Due to the fact you are looking to man to meet your needs
and are not turning to God for all of your supplies.
St John 10:10 says, the thief cometh not, but to steal and to kill, and to destroy; I am come that they might have life,
and that they might have it more abundantly.
If we are in God and doing His will then he will give us life and give it in abundance.
Jesus Christ is the giver of life, and we are in His will, doing His assignment, then there should be no lack, the provisions
shall be provided.
Sonja © 2008