There is something that needs to be discussed about the great move of God on Azusa Street.
What happen to the movement? Why did the spirit of God cease to be working as it did at the beginning?
Many do not really want to think about it or talk about it because the reason it came to a halt was due to man .Yes, man
got into the way of the great move of the Holy Ghost and man hindered the work of God.
God had chosen a man to go to California and this man had a mission an assignment if you please. He was the one God had
chosen to use as an impressionable. A humble servant to God that loved God, this mans name was William Sycamore. He was called
of God to spark the fires of the revival that was to take place in this city.
I have found it strange that there are people that go against the move of God in the name of God. How lame is that? And
how in this world can anyone justify their actions in hindering the move of God and going against the man God chosen to do
this great work.
William Sycamore was a Moses in his day chosen to lead the people back out of religious bondages that they had gotten
into due to the religious self centered and desiring to take over and take full control.
William Sycamore was the man God had chosen to lead the people back to the original "first century church" movement,
to restore it back to the way God intended it to be in the beginning.
Little did they know there was a conspiracy going on in the hearts of polluted men and women, making plans to move in
and set up their dead dry originations, taking over to be the head of a group of people?
These dear people on Azusa Street were simply gathering together to worship the Lord and the Lord God visited them in
great waves of Glory.
Why has it been than man never seems to learn from history, starting in the Bible going all the way up to this day that
we live? My question is this are the people of God blind? Or are the people of God so into their self that they have refused
to obey God and accept the ways God has ordained His body to functions?
Gods plan and His purpose were to get His people out of such bondages, out rituals and man controlling spirit.
But oh, no here came along man with the thought he was better than William Sycamore, believing they had more to offer
the people with his so-called knowledge of conducting a constructive well mannered services. What a true lie, what a true
joke this was.
Hey, I call it as I see it and this is what history has written down as to what happened in the days of Azusa Street move
of God. Is it no wonder the spirit of the Lord is not moving as it did why? This brought on due to the selfishness of man,
thereby hindering the move of God starting from the very beginning back as the day of Pentecost.
It is the evil hearted man that covets what God has chosen to do if it be a man, woman or a movement of God.
If the people as a body of Christ do not get our heads up out of the sand and start seeking God and crying out to Him
many are going to find their selves in a desolate desert place. For the day of playing church is coming to an end. I have
no doubt about it.
Why am I writing on this you ask? The same organization that plotted a take over on Azusa Street is still alive, has grown
in great numbers and is still hindering the "first century church movement" and still hindering the move of God
in our land today.
Ignoring the plan of God and have set up camp and are standing in the door stopping the great move of God thereby have
hindered the many souls that need to be saved.
But I do have some good news the Lord is getting ready to bring it all to a halt and end of this calamity of so called
organizing the move of God that day is about to end.
No man will be in control, no man will set up camp with their so-called originations in this next great move of God.
Those that desires recognitions and want to be in the lime light having a prestigious issue, I can assure that there will
be no place for such a ones.
Such things as titles, and posting a name at the door, handing out little cards and programs are just plain vain.
But however, if you desire the spirit of the living God to fill the temple and see the great move of God then there will
be a spot for all that come before the throne of God in a humbling fashion.
Those that God is calling out are will be humble, caring, kind to one another, never trying to out do one another, and
will accept those that God sent to lead the people out of bondage, yet again.
My friend I must say this in closing from all that history recorded of those dear children of God from the past we read
about. They desired nothing more than just to be in Gods glorious presence. We have learned much about the evilness of mans
heart from the beginning of time hindering those dear children of God. I am ashamed that such things were permitted to go
on by so-called believers and saying they were doing it all in the name of God.
People better be real and better have the true desire to worship the spirit of the true living God if they want in on
this next great move of God that's about to take off.
Sonja © 2007