I am wound for sound and ready for take off. I am being lifted up off this level that I have been for far too long.
I have been shut up, sit down, one might even say I have been grounded.
But its all good, for the spirit of the Lord has been speaking to me all of this time.
During this time that has seemed like forever to me, for I have so longed to be in the full power of the spirit of the
The call of God is great on my life and His anointing is like fire shut up within me.
Yet I have not been granted to be set at liberty, no not until now.
I have cried out to the Lord and He has heard my cry, He has come to me in vision, He has come to me in word and He has
come to me in dreams.
I have seen the face of Jesus both in dreams and in a vision, He has the most beautiful face I have ever seen. His eyes
are filled with compassion and love.
He has shown me He was right in the midst of the people, as they gathered together and I was telling how He, Jesus was
right in the midst of the people. This is coming to pass even as I write this message for the spirit of the Lord wants you
to know we are headed into one of the greatest moves of God ever.
I have seen the vortex of praises going up to the throne of God and I have seen the glory of the Lord coming down out
of heaven.
I have seen the cloud moving across the land before me as the spirit of the Lord moved. I have seen the Earth shift right
before my eyes.
I have shared this with only a few thus far but the Lord has released me to share this now to those who read it.
I was in a state of feeling lifted up above this Earth for days after the Lord showed me these things, I found it hard
to stay focused on the everyday things that I had to do for the spirit of the Lord was so greatly upon me after I seen His
face and after He spoke to me.
Times I have felt shut up completely up with His spirit and felt I did not want to come out of this state and who in their
right mind would want too?
Some years back the Lord showed me how there was a Holy Ghost fire that was going to spread over the land.
Then lately He showed me how there was a move that was coming that no man could control and it was going to spread all
over from state to state.
He had me to write a little about it and I did so calling it, "Heartland of America" this was speaking of this
great move that was about to take place.
Shortly after New Years He begin to speak to me about mysteries things that are going to happen, people in this World
were going to know He was real and that truly there is a Almighty God .These things were going to manifest soon.
I feel this is going to be one of the greatest times for the believers and some of the worst times for those that have
rejected God and refuse to serve Him.
The children of God are going to gather in a place for services and the spirit of the Lord is going to fill the house
so full that it will be like in the Old Testament when the spirit of God filled the temple.
Gods spirit is going to become so real people are not going to be able to stand up under such power they will bow their
knees before the Lord.
During this time that the Lord manifested Him self to me so greatly, I have also been under an attack and shortly after
the Lord came to me in a dream and I saw His face I went through a battle with the enemy but the Lord let me to see what power
He has given me, praying with such power and such force that I was amazed. The enemy had to flee from the spirit of the Lord.
I do know that Gods believers have gone through testing times and if you made it up to this point about all you do is
just praise the Lord.
I give God all praise and honor for all these things that He has shown me and has told me that are to come to pass.
All I can say is for people to be encouraged for the spirit of the Lord is coming in like a mighty Holy Ghost downpour.
In the days to come your faith may be tested and times you may wonder what is going on but just hold on for the move is
Sonja ©2007