Speak His Word
When I think of all the words that have
been spoken and written by the Lord to His people, theses words are not to just glorify the Lord but they were given to apply/
put to use, in our lives.
So now, just how do we apply?
If we understand what the Lord is saying,
I think we would be able to see more of His word come alive in our life.
It is to always refer to what did God say
about a certain thing or subject. If He said it, that is not enough just to hear His word. It is entirely up to the people
to believe, be on what the circumstances look like. It does not matter what others may think or say but it truly does matter
what you think and say. It is all about believing over and above, does not matter how it may look as if it is not going to
happen, believe anyway and speak victory.
You know what? The Lord likes to hear us
repeat His word back to Him and to speak it regardless of how it appears to be. Speak it out loud, tell the World, tell you
self each day what He has said. So don’t let go, hold on tight, grab a hold of your promises and do not let go.
God is moved by faith, He sees your tears
yes, and He knows there are needs but that is not going to get the job done simply by sitting around hoping. It is going to
take speak out loud and believe His word!
Times we are guilty of telling the Lord,
can’t you see my need, and don’t you know how I am seeking. Still the Lord is waiting to hear us speak out to
Him what He has said and or promised by His written word as well as His spoken word.
I can’t think of a better, more fulfilled
life than one hearing and knowing what the Lord has said and speak it into being so. Just think of the unlimited bountiful
life that God has for us.
Each day rise up and talk to the Lord,
tell Him today Lord you are my supply, by your stripes I am healed, there forth I am healed and whole. If I say to this mountain
be removed and doubt not in my heart it will be removed. Amen!
The word tells us to put on the whole armor
of God and I feel the need to armor up and take a hold of your promises, as if you were in battle, the battle is overcoming
self and the carnal man nature, put the old man in his place and let the spirit man rise up high above into the heavenly...Wow!
The word says the violent take by force. So it is time to really get serious and get yours. Get fired up! And girt up! Take
your promises.
God has promised to protect us as well
as our household, these are promises the Lord told us, the list goes on and on and we need to start talking it and then to
see it manifesting in our life
You may feel weak, you may feel you are
unable but according to the word, God has powered you up, fired you up, so now go after you blessings. Praise the Lord!