Matthew chapter
25 that tells about the Kingdom of God is liken unto, those that had a lamp, meaning each one of them
had the vessel to hold oil and if oil in the vessel or (container) then there would be the potential of a flame or (fire)
that would produce light.
Let's talk about what the oil just might represent, let's also talk about those that had no
oil and the trimming of their lamps. Why did they even trim their lamps when knowing they had no fuel?
The oil is something
that fuels up the inner part of a vessel and produces flames and light to be able to see where one is going.
The word or
the promises are the fuel, causing a person to hold onto the promises and to be willing to wait onto the promises of
God? That is the fuel, the promises of God or the word of God.
Now that we know what the oil is, let's talk a bit about
applying this to our lives today and how we can do so.
First of all you need to know what the word promises you, you are
going to need to know the promises for your life and fuel up on it and fill up with it.
Far too many people are going
around on empty holding nothing close to their heart.
So many get a drop of the word of the Lord and run right out and
burn it up. Talking about burning it up is a whole new message within its self.
By allowing your promises to burn up is
allowing the negative input from others as well as placing your focus on all the negative junk that you may face each day.
All the junk
that the world is spilling out in the air waves is one thing that is burning up your oil by allowing those things to take
away from the word of the Lord or the promises of God.
By you letting things take your mind off of the word of the Lord
cause you to loose out with the Lord and what his word tells you that you can have on this earth.
Don't allow
troubles, trails and test in this life to burn you out, or steal your vision.
Why would those that had no oil be trimming
their lamps? This makes you wonder if they thought they were going to get by without being ready, believing no oil
meant nothing.
Believing God would be merciful to them but in fact proves there
are going to be those that will not be permitted to go into the Bridegrooms chamber just because you are in a group does not
make you qualified to go into a higher level.
You need your own experience with the Lord, need to hold onto the promises
of God regardless of the way things are looking.
Having faith is something many do not understand, for faith is something
that you cannot see, or touch, faith believes in something even if it does not appear to exist.
What keeps you going is
the fact that you are fueled up and are waiting on the appearing of the Lord and holding onto the promise that he has given
to those that will believe.
The trimming means nothing if you have no oil, so many are so focused on the outward appearance
when this shows us what matters, is being filled up with the spirit if the Lord and keeping the faith. Believing what he has
said he will do, he will keep his promises.
Sonja 5/20/2007